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  • A、Instruct the team to suspend the upgrade,and schedule an emergency review meeting with the project sponsor for Monday morning. 指示团队中止升级,并安排周一上午与项目发起人进行紧急评审会
  • B、Keep the team on standby in case the tester can be reached before Monday morning. 让团队保持待命状态,以防万一在周一上午之前可以联系到测试人员
  • C、Instruct a member of the client team to conduct the acceptance testing and sign-off in place of the appointed tester. 指示客户团队的一位成员代替指定的测试人员进行验收测试以及签署同意
  • D、Follow the escalation process to obtain a tester authorized to sign off on the upgrade. 按照升级上报流程获得授权签署同意这项升级的测试人员
《PMBOK指南6th》P442- 如果项目团队或项目发起人认为某威胁不在项目范围内,或提议的应对措施超出了项目经理的权限,就应该采用上报策略,以获得授权。