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- A、Ensure that project meetings provide important information, both positive and negative,for discussion. 确保项目会议提供重要的信息,包括正面和负面的信息,可用于讨论
- B、Meet with the SME to obtain important information then communicate in to the rest of theteam. 与该主题专家会面,以获得重要信息,然后传达给团队的其他成员
- C、Send the SME to a communications course to improve their skills and help positively support 安排该主题专家参与沟通课程来提高其技能,有助于积极的支持团队
- D、Look for another experienced resource that is better able to communicate their ideas to the eam. 寻找能够更好地将其想法传达给团队的另一位经验丰富的资源