IPhone 应用程序有现成的日历控制吗?

我正在为 iPhone 开发一个应用程序,可以显示即将发生的和过去发生的事件。我满足于列表视图,但随后我意识到日历(就像内置日历应用程序中“月”视图中显示的那个日历)将是最佳匹配。

然而,iPhone 人机界面指南只是提到了日期选择器,而不是日历,所以我相信没有什么像这样的盒子。是真的吗?如果有,是否有人知道可以使用第三方控件?(我可以自己写一个,但我宁愿拿起一些准备好的东西,因为这是一个原始项目计划的背离)。

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These are the option I am aware of:

EDIT: as of May 6, 2010

1) GCCalendar

2) http://github.com/klazuka/Kal

3) http://code.google.com/p/iphonecal (needs to be customized - easily - to change text from chinese to english)

4) Commercial: http://nrg.com.bd/blog/archives/36 but the look & feel of the previous ones is much, much better and they are free, if you can comply with their licenses.

Hope this helps.

I would add this very good library.

I've wrote my own (suitable for iPad / landscape view, scrollable, stylable, builds on Three20) – http://www.componentix.com/blog/22

On GitHub – https://github.com/vgrichina/ios-calendar

Your goto place for any question like this these days is cocoacontrols.com. Searching for "calendar"


gives us 15 responses at post date; this one seems particularly appealing at first glance.

DSLCalendarView for iOS

The library for the custom controller for calendar.

1) OCCalendar

2) PMCalendar

3) MAWeekView

4) ios-calendar

5) Kal

6) CKCalendar

Hope it will help you fine.Available on git also.

A slightly newer contender that works better in the iOS7 world is TimesSquare.

I used Tapku for a long time but haven't found it all that flexible, and the code is really hard to modify.

There are also other new version custom visual calendar for iOS 8+ written in Swift (2.0) CVCalendar. It provides easily customisable calendar control for iOS.

DDCalendarView which looks similar to iCal. It has both ObjectiveC and Swift version of code. Currently it shows only daily events. we need to develop the UI to support weekly and monthly events. Event classes used in this calendar are not inherited from EKEventKit classes.