Set-StrictMode -Version latest
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
# Taken from psake
This is a helper function that runs a scriptblock and checks the PS variable $lastexitcode
to see if an error occcured. If an error is detected then an exception is thrown.
This function allows you to run command-line programs without having to
explicitly check the $lastexitcode variable.
exec { svn info $repository_trunk } "Error executing SVN. Please verify SVN command-line client is installed"
function Exec
[Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=0)][string]$errorMessage = ("Error executing command {0}" -f $cmd)
& $cmd
if ($lastexitcode -ne 0) {
throw ("Exec: " + $errorMessage)
Try {
# Put all your stuff inside here!
# powershell functions called as normal and try..catch reports errors
New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# call exe's and check their exit code using Exec
Exec { setup.exe }
} Catch {
# tell the caller it has all gone wrong
function CheckLastExitCode {
param ([int[]]$SuccessCodes = @(0))
if (!$?) {
Write-Host "Last CMD failed" -ForegroundColor Red
#GoToWrapperDirectory in my code I go back to the original directory that launched the script
if ($SuccessCodes -notcontains $LastExitCode) {
Write-Host "EXE RETURNED EXIT CODE $LastExitCode" -ForegroundColor Red
#GoToWrapperDirectory in my code I go back to the original directory that launched the script