所有属性的 JavaScript getter

长话短说: 我希望使用 PHP 风格的 getter,但是使用的是 JavaScript。

我的 JavaScript 只能在 Firefox 中运行,所以我可以使用 Mozilla 特定的 JS。

我能找到的制作 JS getter 的唯一方法需要指定它的名称,但是我想为 所有可能的名称定义一个 getter。我不确定这是否可行,但我很想知道。

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If you're looking for something like PHP's __get() function, I don't think Javascript provides any such construct.

The best I can think of doing is looping through the object's non-function members and then creating a corresponding "getXYZ()" function for each.

In dodgy pseudo-ish code:

for (o in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(o)) {
this['get_' + o] = function() {
// return this.o -- but you'll need to create a closure to
// keep the correct reference to "o"

Javascript 1.5 does have getter/setter syntactic sugar. It's explained very well by John Resig here

It's not generic enough for web use, but certainly Firefox has them (also Rhino, if you ever want to use it on the server side).

The closest you can find is __noSuchMethod__ (__noSuchMethod__ is deprecated), which is JavaScript's equivalent of PHP's __call().

Unfortunately, there's no equivalent of __get/__set, which is a shame, because with them we could have implemented __noSuchMethod__, but I don't yet see a way to implement properties (as in C#) using __noSuchMethod__.

var foo = {
__noSuchMethod__ : function(id, args) {

foo.bar(1, 2);

If you really need an implementation that works, you could "cheat" your way arround by testing the second parameter against undefined, this also means you could use get to actually set parameter.

var foo = {
args: {},

__noSuchMethod__ : function(id, args) {
if(args === undefined) {
return this.args[id] === undefined ? this[id] : this.args[id]

if(this[id] === undefined) {
this.args[id] = args;
} else {
this[id] = args;

I ended up using a nickfs' answer to construct my own solution. My solution will automatically create get_{propname} and set_{propname} functions for all properties. It does check if the function already exists before adding them. This allows you to override the default get or set method with our own implementation without the risk of it getting overwritten.

for (o in this) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(o)) {
var creategetter = (typeof this['get_' + o] !== 'function');
var createsetter = (typeof this['set_' + o] !== 'function');
(function () {
var propname = o;
if (creategetter) {
self['get_' + propname] = function () {
return self[propname];
if (createsetter) {
self['set_' + propname] = function (val) {
self[propname] = val;

Proxy can do it! I'm so happy this exists!! An answer is given here: Is there a javascript equivalent of python's __getattr__ method? . To rephrase in my own words:

var x = new Proxy({}, {
get(target, name) {
return "Its hilarious you think I have " + name

console.log(x.hair) // logs: "Its hilarious you think I have hair"

Proxy for the win! Check out the MDN docs: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy

Works in chrome, firefox, and node.js. Downsides: doesn't work in IE - freakin IE. Soon.

You can combine proxy and class to have a nice looking code like php:

class Magic {
constructor () {
return new Proxy(this, this);
get (target, prop) {
return this[prop] || 'MAGIC';

this binds to the handler, so you can use this instead of target.

Note: unlike PHP, proxy handles all prop access.

let magic = new Magic();
magic.foo = 'NOT MAGIC';
console.log(magic.foo); // NOT MAGIC
console.log(magic.bar); // MAGIC

You can check which browsers support proxy http://caniuse.com/#feat=proxy.

This is not exactly an answer to the original question, however this and this questions are closed and redirect here, so here I am. I hope I can help some other JS newbie that lands here as I did.

Coming from Python, what I was looking for was an equivalent of obj.__getattr__(key)and obj.__hasattr__(key) methods. What I ended up using is: obj[key] for getattr and obj.hasOwnProperty(key) for hasattr (doc).

It is possible to get a similar result simply by wrapping the object in a getter function:

const getProp = (key) => {
const dictionary = {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
age: 42,
DEFAULT: 'there is no prop like this'
return (typeof dictionary[key] === 'undefined' ? dictionary.DEFAULT : dictionary[key]);

console.log(getProp('age')) // 42

console.log(getProp('Hello World')) // 'there is no prop like this'