function dec2Bin(dec)
if(dec >= 0) {
return dec.toString(2);
else {
/* Here you could represent the number in 2s compliment but this is not what
JS uses as its not sure how many bits are in your number range. There are
some suggestions
return (~dec).toString(2);
As an added bonus, you can support any radix (2–36) if you perform the two's complement conversion for negative numbers in ⌈64 / log2(radix)⌉ digits by using BigInt:
function toRadix (value, radix) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(value)) {
throw new TypeError('value must be a safe integer');
const digits = Math.ceil(64 / Math.log2(radix));
const twosComplement = value < 0
? BigInt(radix) ** BigInt(digits) + BigInt(value)
: value;
return twosComplement.toString(radix).padStart(digits, '0');
console.log(toRadix(0xcba9876543210, 2));
console.log(toRadix(-0xcba9876543210, 2));
console.log(toRadix(0xcba9876543210, 16));
console.log(toRadix(-0xcba9876543210, 16));
console.log(toRadix(0x1032547698bac, 2));
console.log(toRadix(-0x1032547698bac, 2));
console.log(toRadix(0x1032547698bac, 16));
console.log(toRadix(-0x1032547698bac, 16));
If you are interested in my old answer that used an ArrayBuffer to create a union between a Float64Array and a Uint16Array, please refer to this answer's revision history.
function binaries(num1){
var str = num1.toString(2)
return(console.log('The binary form of ' + num1 + ' is: ' + str))
According to MDN, Number.prototype.toString() overrides
Object.prototype.toString() with the useful distinction that you can
pass in a single integer argument. This argument is an optional radix,
numbers 2 to 36 allowed.So in the example above, we’re passing in 2 to
get a string representation of the binary for the base 10 number 100,
i.e. 1100100.
const decToBin = dec => {
let bin = '';
let f = false;
while (!f) {
bin = bin + (dec % 2);
dec = Math.trunc(dec / 2);
if (dec === 0 ) f = true;
return bin.split("").reverse().join("");
function dec2binA(n) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n)) throw new TypeError('n value must be a safe integer')
if (n > 2**31) throw 'number too large. number should not be greater than 2**31'
if (n < -1*(2**31)) throw 'number too far negative, number should not be lesser than 2**31'
const bin = n < 0 ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1 + n : n
const signBit = n < 0 ? '1' : '0'
return parseInt(bin, 10).toString(2)
.padStart(56, signBit)
.replace(/\B(?=(.{8})+(?!.))/g, ' ')
function dec2binB(n) {
if (!Number.isSafeInteger(n)) throw new TypeError('n value must be a safe integer')
if (n > 2**31) throw 'number too large. number should not be greater than 2**31'
if (n < -1*(2**31)) throw 'number too far negative, number should not be lesser than 2**31'
const bin = n < 0 ? -(1 + n) : n
const signBit = n < 0 ? '1' : '0'
return parseInt(bin, 10).toString(2)
.replace(/[01]/g, d => +!+d)
.padStart(56, signBit)
.replace(/\B(?=(.{8})+(?!.))/g, ' ')
const a = -805306368
console.log('dec2binA:', dec2binA(a))
console.log('dec2binB:', dec2binB(a))
const b = -3
console.log('dec2binA:', dec2binA(b))
console.log('dec2binB:', dec2binB(b))