Designates a ManyToOne or OneToOne relationship attribute that provides the mapping for an EmbeddedId primary key, an attribute within an EmbeddedId primary key, or a simple primary key of the parent entity. The value element specifies the attribute within a composite key to which the relationship attribute corresponds. If the entity's primary key is of the same Java type as the primary key of the entity referenced by the relationship, the value attribute is not specified.
// parent entity has simple primary key
public class Employee {
@Id long empId;
String name;
// dependent entity uses EmbeddedId for composite key
public class DependentId {
String name;
long empid; // corresponds to primary key type of Employee
public class Dependent {
@EmbeddedId DependentId id;
@MapsId("empid") // maps the empid attribute of embedded id
@ManyToOne Employee emp;
I found this note also useful: @MapsId in hibernate annotation maps a column with another table's column.
public class CancelledTransaction {
private Long id; // the value in this pk will be the same as the
// transaction line from transaction table to which
// this cancelled transaction is related
@OneToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
@JoinColumn(name = "ID_TRANSACTION", nullable = false)
private Transaction transaction;
@Table(name = "TRANSACTION")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "SQ_TRAN_ID", sequenceName = "SQ_TRAN_ID")
public class Transaction {
@GeneratedValue(generator = "SQ_TRAN_ID", strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
@Column(name = "ID_TRANSACTION", nullable = false)
private Long id;
MapsId lets you use the same primary key between two different entities/tables. Note: when you use MapsId, the CASCADE.ALL flag becomes useless, and you will need to make sure that your entities are saved manually.