from flask import request
You can also use the request.user_agent object which contains the following attributes which are created based on the useragent string:
platform (windows, linux, macos, etc.)
browser (chrome, firefox, msie, etc.)
string (== request.headers.get('User-Agent'))
Note: As of werkzeug 2.0, the parsed data of request.user_agent has been deprecated; if you want to keep getting details you need to use a custom UserAgent implementation and set it as user_agent_class on a custom Request subclass, which is set as request_class on the Flask instance (or a subclass).
Here's an example implementation that uses ua-parser:
from ua_parser import user_agent_parser
from werkzeug.user_agent import UserAgent
from werkzeug.utils import cached_property
class ParsedUserAgent(UserAgent):
def _details(self):
return user_agent_parser.Parse(self.string)
def platform(self):
return self._details['os']['family']
def browser(self):
return self._details['user_agent']['family']
def version(self):
return '.'.join(
for key in ('major', 'minor', 'patch')
if (part := self._details['user_agent'][key]) is not None
The question begs for a lot more information. This library seems to fit the bill of collecting a lot of information out of flask, and has example calls to getting this information out of the application context.