Make an /login url, than accept "user" and "password" parameters via GET and don't require basic auth. Here, use php, node, java, whatever and parse your passwd file and match parameters (user/pass) against it. If there is a match then redirect to (this will set credential on your browser) if not, send 401 response (without WWW-Authenticate header).
<Location />
# Make sure that if it is an XHR request,
# we don't send back basic authentication header.
# This is to prevent the browser from displaying a basic auth login dialog.
Header unset WWW-Authenticate "expr=req('X-Requested-With') == 'XMLHttpRequest' && resp('WWW-Authenticate') =~ /^Basic/"
If WWW-Authenticate header is removed, then you wont get the caching of credentials and wont get back the Authorization header in request. That means now you will have to enter the credentials for every new request you generate.