您最喜欢的 Python 嘲笑库是什么?

你最喜欢的 Python 嘲笑库是什么?

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I've only used one, but I've had good results with Michael Foord's Mock: http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/.

Michael's introduction says it better than I could:

There are already several Python mocking libraries available, so why another one?

Most mocking libraries follow the 'record -> replay' pattern of mocking. I prefer the 'action -> assertion' pattern, which is more readable and intuitive particularly when working with the Python unittest module.


It also provides utility functions / objects to assist with testing, particularly monkey patching.

I've used pMock in the past, and didn't mind it, it had pretty decent docs too. However, Foord's Mock as mentioned above is also nice.

Mox, from Google

Mocker from Gustavo Niemeyer.

It's not perfect, but it is very powerful and flexible.

Dingus, by Gary Bernhardt.

pyDoubles the test doubles framework for Python, by iExpertos.com. It supports mocks, stubs, spies and matchers, including Hamcrest matchers

I'm the author for mocktest. I think it's pretty fully featured and easy to use, but I might be biased:
