template<typename T>
void wrapper(T&& /* univ. ref.: it binds to lvalues as well as rvalues (temporaries)*/ t) {
// here `t` is an lvalue, so it doesn't know whether it is bound to a temporary;
// `T` encodes this missing info, but sadly we're not making `some_func` aware of it,
// therefore `some_func` will not be able to steal resources from `t` if `t`
// is bound to a temporary, because it has to leave lvalues intact
template<typename T>
void wrapper(T&& /* univ. ref.: it binds to lvalues as well as rvalues (temporaries)*/ t) {
// here `t` is an lvalue, so it doesn't know whether it is bound to a temporary;
// `T` encodes this missing info, and we do use it:
// `t` bound to lvalue => `T` is lvalue ref => `std::forward` forwards `t` as lvalue
// `t` bound to rvalue => `T` is non-ref => `std::forward` turns `t` into rvalue