如何在 Play 框架中处理可选的查询参数

假设我在 Scala 中有一个已经运行的基于 Play 2.0框架的应用程序,它提供一个 URL,比如:



现在我想通过添加可选的“ from”(date)和“ to”请求参数来限制结果,例如


(日期在这里解释为 yyyMMdd)

我的问题是如何在使用 Scala 的 Play 2.0中处理请求参数绑定和解释,特别是考虑到这两个参数都应该是可选的。


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Encode your optional parameters as Option[String] (or Option[java.util.Date], but you’ll have to implement your own QueryStringBindable[Date]):

def birthdays(from: Option[String], to: Option[String]) = Action {
// …

And declare the following route:

GET   /birthday       controllers.Application.birthday(from: Option[String], to: Option[String])

A maybe less clean way of doing this for java users is setting defaults:

GET  /users  controllers.Application.users(max:java.lang.Integer ?= 50, page:java.lang.Integer ?= 0)

And in the controller

public static Result users(Integer max, Integer page) {...}

One more problem, you'll have to repeat the defaults whenever you link to your page in the template

@routes.Application.users(max = 50, page = 0)

Here's Julien's example rewritten in java, using F.Option: (works as of play 2.1)

import play.libs.F.Option;
public static Result birthdays(Option<String> from, Option<String> to) {
// …


GET   /birthday       controllers.Application.birthday(from: play.libs.F.Option[String], to: play.libs.F.Option[String])

You can also just pick arbitrary query parameters out as strings (you have to do the type conversion yourself):

public static Result birthdays(Option<String> from, Option<String> to) {
String blarg = request().getQueryString("blarg"); // null if not in URL
// …

My way of doing this involves using a custom QueryStringBindable. This way I express parameters in routes as:

GET /birthdays/ controllers.Birthdays.getBirthdays(period: util.Period)

The code for Period looks like this.

public class Period implements QueryStringBindable<Period> {

public static final String PATTERN = "dd.MM.yyyy";
public Date start;

public Date end;

public F.Option<Period> bind(String key, Map<String, String[]> data) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(PATTERN);

try {
start = data.containsKey("startDate")?sdf.parse(data.get("startDate")  [0]):null;
end = data.containsKey("endDate")?sdf.parse(data.get("endDate")[0]):null;
} catch (ParseException ignored) {
return F.Option.None();
return F.Option.Some(this);

public String unbind(String key) {
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(PATTERN);
return "startDate=" + sdf.format(start) + "&amp;" + "endDate=" + sdf.format(end);

public String javascriptUnbind() {
return null;

public void applyDateFilter(ExpressionList el) {
if (this.start != null)
el.ge("eventDate", this.start);
if (this.end != null)
el.le("eventDate", new DateTime(this.end.getTime()).plusDays(1).toDate());


applyDateFilter is just a convienence method i use in my controllers if I want to apply date filtering to the query. Obviously you could use other date defaults here, or use some other default than null for start and end date in the bind method.

For optional Query parameters, you can do it this way

In routes file, declare API

GET   /birthdays     controllers.Application.method(from: Long, to: Long)

You can also give some default value, in case API doesn't contain these query params it will automatically assign the default values to these params

GET   /birthdays    controllers.Application.method(from: Long ?= 0, to: Long ?= 10)

In method written inside controller Application these params will have value null if no default values assigned else default values.

In Addition to Julien's answer. If you don't want to include it in the routes file.

You can get this attribute in the controller method using RequestHeader

String from = request().getQueryString("from");
String to = request().getQueryString("to");

This will give you the desired request parameters, plus keep your routes file clean.