I've noticed same thing on my browser some time ago.
Did you sing in to chrome using your Google account maybe? Or did you choose in any way to opt-out from collecting data on Google Analytics ?
Maybe Google remembers that option and uses it on Chrome when you are singed in..
It was a problem with AdBlock. I disabled it and now it loads it normally.
yagudaev suggests (read answers below) that in order to keep AdBlock from blocking Google Analytics, you need to edit the snippet provided and explicitly use https:// instead of the protocol-relative URL by default. This means changing
The reason you are running into problems is because AdBlock will block this script if and only if it does not go through https. Notice the error you get it contains an http: protocol reference.
All you need to do is change the snippet to force it to go through an ssl connection by adding an explicit protocol instead of the protocol relative url that is the default.
This error is commonly caused due to one of the extensions installed within Chrome.
There are a few ways to debug and solve an ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT message.
Ask people to unblock your website, (bad idea from personal experience)
Host google analytics script locally (bad idea) because google says so HERE
Referencing the JavaScript file from Google's servers (i.e.,
https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js) ensures that you get access
to new features and product updates as they become available, giving
you the most accurate data in your reports.
Use Server side analytics. This is what people are doing nowadays. If you are on node.js, use a library such as analytics or universal-analytics