如何使用 WSDL 文件创建 WCF 服务(而不是进行调用)

我有一个旧的 WSDL 文件,我想创建一个基于这个 WSDL 文件的服务器。

WSDL 是从 ASMX 生成的(我想是的,但我不确定)。


最初的问题 ,OP 认为他需要基于 WSDL 创建一个 客户

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Using svcutil, you can create interfaces and classes (data contracts) from the WSDL.

svcutil your.wsdl (or svcutil your.wsdl /l:vb if you want Visual Basic)

This will create a file called "your.cs" in C# (or "your.vb" in VB.NET) which contains all the necessary items.

Now, you need to create a class "MyService" which will implement the service interface (IServiceInterface) - or the several service interfaces - and this is your server instance.

Now a class by itself doesn't really help yet - you'll need to host the service somewhere. You need to either create your own ServiceHost instance which hosts the service, configure endpoints and so forth - or you can host your service inside IIS.

You could use svcutil.exe to generate client code. This would include the definition of the service contract and any data contracts and fault contracts required.

Then, simply delete the client code: classes that implement the service contracts. You'll then need to implement them yourself, in your service.

There are good resources out there if you know what to search for. Try "Contract First" and WCF. or "WSDL First" and WCF.

Here is a selection:

Use svcutil.exe with the /sc switch to generate the WCF contracts. This will create a code file that you can add to your project. It will contain all interfaces and data types you need to create your service. Change the output location using the /o switch, or you can find the file in the folder where you ran svcutil.exe. The default language is C# but I think (I've never tried it) you should be able to change this using /l:vb.

svcutil /sc "WSDL file path"

If your WSDL has any supporting XSD files pass those in as arguments after the WSDL.

svcutil /sc "WSDL file path" "XSD 1 file path" "XSD 2 file path" ... "XSD n file path"

Then create a new class that is your service and implement the contract interface you just created.

Using the "Add Service Reference" tool in Visual Studio, you can insert the address as:


And it will load properly.