cid name type notnull dflt_value pk
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0 id integer 99 1
1 name 0 0
//returns the name
sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1);
//returns the type
sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 2);
//where rc is an int variable if wondering :/
rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(dbPointer, "pragma table_info ('your table name goes here')", -1, &stmt, NULL);
if (rc==SQLITE_OK)
//will continue to go down the rows (columns in your table) till there are no more
while(sqlite3_step(stmt) == SQLITE_ROW)
sprintf(colName, "%s", sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 1));
//do something with colName because it contains the column's name
//Called when application is started. It works on Droidscript, it is tested
function OnStart()
//Create a layout with objects vertically centered.
lay = app.CreateLayout( "linear", "VCenter,FillXY" );
//Create a text label and add it to layout.
txt = app.CreateText( "", 0.9, 0.4, "multiline" )
lay.AddChild( txt );
db = app.OpenDatabase( "MyData" )
//Create a table (if it does not exist already).
db.ExecuteSql( "drop table if exists test_table" )
db.ExecuteSql( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_table " +
"(id integer primary key, data text, num integer)",[],null, OnError )
db.ExecuteSql( "insert into test_table values (1,'data10',100),
//Get all the table rows.
DisplayAllRows("SELECT * FROM test_table");
DisplayAllRows("select *, id+100 as idplus, 'hahaha' as blabla from
test_table order by id desc;")
//function to display all records
function DisplayAllRows(sqlstring) // <-- can you use for any table not need to
// know column names, just use a *
// example:
//Use all rows what is in ExecuteSql (try any, it will works fine)
db.ExecuteSql( sqlstring, [], OnResult, OnError )
//Callback to show query results in debug.
function OnResult( res )
var len = res.rows.length;
var s = txt.GetText();
// ***********************************************************************
// This is the answer how to read column names from table:
for(var ColumnNames in res.rows.item(0)) s += " [ "+ ColumnNames +" ] "; // "[" & "]" optional, i use only in this demo
// ***********************************************************************
//app.Alert("Here is all Column names what Select from your table:\n"+s);
for(var i = 0; i < len; i++ )
var rows = res.rows.item(i)
for (var item in rows)
s += " " + rows[item] + " ";
txt.SetText( s )
//Callback to show errors.
function OnError( msg )
app.Alert( "Error: " + msg )
cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info(table_name)") # fetches the 6 rows of data
records = cur.fetchall()
for row in records:
print("Columns: ", row[1])
import sqlite3 as sq
def col_names(t_name):
with sq.connect('file:{}.sqlite?mode=ro'.format(t_name),uri=True) as conn:
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info({}) ".format(t_name))
data = cursor.fetchall()
return [i[1] for i in data]
WITH tables AS (SELECT name tableName, sql
FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND tableName NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%')
SELECT, fields.type, tableName
FROM tables CROSS JOIN pragma_table_info(tables.tableName) fields
CREATE VIEW Table_Columns AS
SELECT m.tbl_name AS TableView_Name, m.type AS TableView, cid+1 AS Column, p.*
FROM sqlite_master m, Pragma_Table_Info(m.tbl_name) p
WHERE m.type IN ('table', 'view') AND
( m.tbl_name = 'mypeople' OR m.tbl_name LIKE 'US_%') -- filter tables
ORDER BY m.tbl_name;
sqlite> select * from user;
.header off
sqlite> select * from user;
.help .header
.help header
sqlite> .help .header
.headers on|off Turn display of headers on or off
.mode box
sqlite> select * from user;
│ id │ first_name │ last_name │ age │
│ 1 │ Steve │ Jobs │ 56 │
│ 2 │ Bill │ Gates │ 66 │
│ 3 │ Mark │ Zuckerberg │ 38 │
.mode table
sqlite> select * from user;
| id | first_name | last_name | age |
| 1 | Steve | Jobs | 56 |
| 2 | Bill | Gates | 66 |
| 3 | Mark | Zuckerberg | 38 |
.help .mode
.help mode
sqlite> .help .mode
.import FILE TABLE Import data from FILE into TABLE
--ascii Use \037 and \036 as column and row separators
--csv Use , and \n as column and row separators
--skip N Skip the first N rows of input
--schema S Target table to be S.TABLE
-v "Verbose" - increase auxiliary output
* If TABLE does not exist, it is created. The first row of input
determines the column names.
* If neither --csv or --ascii are used, the input mode is derived
from the ".mode" output mode
* If FILE begins with "|" then it is a command that generates the
input text.
.mode MODE ?OPTIONS? Set output mode
MODE is one of:
ascii Columns/rows delimited by 0x1F and 0x1E
box Tables using unicode box-drawing characters
csv Comma-separated values
column Output in columns. (See .width)
html HTML <table> code
insert SQL insert statements for TABLE
json Results in a JSON array
line One value per line
list Values delimited by "|"
markdown Markdown table format
qbox Shorthand for "box --width 60 --quote"
quote Escape answers as for SQL
table ASCII-art table
tabs Tab-separated values
tcl TCL list elements
OPTIONS: (for columnar modes or insert mode):
--wrap N Wrap output lines to no longer than N characters
--wordwrap B Wrap or not at word boundaries per B (on/off)
--ww Shorthand for "--wordwrap 1"
--quote Quote output text as SQL literals
--noquote Do not quote output text
TABLE The name of SQL table used for "insert" mode