此算法在60秒内创建50个密度为6x9的 箭头填字游戏。它使用一个 word 数据库(包含 word + 技巧)和一个主板数据库(包含预先配置的主板)。
1) Search for all starting cells (the ones with an arrow), store their size and directions
2) Loop through all starting cells
2.1) Search a word
2.1.1) Check if it was not already used
2.1.2) Check if it fits
2.2) Add the word to the board
3) Check if all cells were filled
# C # # P % # O #
# N I N E S # T A
% A B # A # G A S
% D E N S E % W E
提示[行,列] :
[1,0] SATELLITE: Used for weather forecast
[5,0] CATHEDRAL: The principal church of a city
[0,1] CANADA: Country on USA's northern border
[0,4] PLEASE: A polite way to ask things
[0,7] OTTAWA: Canada's capital
[1,2] TIBET: Dalai Lama's region
[1,8] EASEL: A tripod used to put a painting
[2,1] NINES: Dressed up to (?)
[4,1] DENSE: Thick; impenetrable
[3,6] GAS: Type of fuel
[1,5] LS: Lori Singer, american actress
[2,7] TA: Teaching assistant (abbr.)
[3,1] AB: A blood type
[4,3] NH: New Hampshire (abbr.)
[4,5] ED: (?) Harris, american actor
[4,7] WE: The first person of plural (Grammar)
function board(cols, rows) { //instantiator object for making gameboards
this.cols = cols;
this.rows = rows;
var activeWordList = []; //keeps array of words actually placed in board
var acrossCount = 0;
var downCount = 0;
var grid = new Array(cols); //create 2 dimensional array for letter grid
for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
grid[i] = new Array(rows);
for (var x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
grid[x][y] = {};
grid[x][y].targetChar = EMPTYCHAR; //target character, hidden
grid[x][y].indexDisplay = ''; //used to display index number of word start
grid[x][y].value = '-'; //actual current letter shown on board
function suggestCoords(word) { //search for potential cross placement locations
var c = '';
coordCount = [];
coordCount = 0;
for (i = 0; i < word.length; i++) { //cycle through each character of the word
for (x = 0; x < GRID_HEIGHT; x++) {
for (y = 0; y < GRID_WIDTH; y++) {
c = word[i];
if (grid[x][y].targetChar == c) { //check for letter match in cell
if (x - i + 1> 0 && x - i + word.length-1 < GRID_HEIGHT) { //would fit vertically?
coordList[coordCount] = {};
coordList[coordCount].x = x - i;
coordList[coordCount].y = y;
coordList[coordCount].score = 0;
coordList[coordCount].vertical = true;
if (y - i + 1 > 0 && y - i + word.length-1 < GRID_WIDTH) { //would fit horizontally?
coordList[coordCount] = {};
coordList[coordCount].x = x;
coordList[coordCount].y = y - i;
coordList[coordCount].score = 0;
coordList[coordCount].vertical = false;
function checkFitScore(word, x, y, vertical) {
var fitScore = 1; //default is 1, 2+ has crosses, 0 is invalid due to collision
if (vertical) { //vertical checking
for (i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
if (i == 0 && x > 0) { //check for empty space preceeding first character of word if not on edge
if (grid[x - 1][y].targetChar != EMPTYCHAR) { //adjacent letter collision
fitScore = 0;
} else if (i == word.length && x < GRID_HEIGHT) { //check for empty space after last character of word if not on edge
if (grid[x+i+1][y].targetChar != EMPTYCHAR) { //adjacent letter collision
fitScore = 0;
if (x + i < GRID_HEIGHT) {
if (grid[x + i][y].targetChar == word[i]) { //letter match - aka cross point
fitScore += 1;
} else if (grid[x + i][y].targetChar != EMPTYCHAR) { //letter doesn't match and it isn't empty so there is a collision
fitScore = 0;
} else { //verify that there aren't letters on either side of placement if it isn't a crosspoint
if (y < GRID_WIDTH - 1) { //check right side if it isn't on the edge
if (grid[x + i][y + 1].targetChar != EMPTYCHAR) { //adjacent letter collision
fitScore = 0;
if (y > 0) { //check left side if it isn't on the edge
if (grid[x + i][y - 1].targetChar != EMPTYCHAR) { //adjacent letter collision
fitScore = 0;
} else { //horizontal checking
for (i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
if (i == 0 && y > 0) { //check for empty space preceeding first character of word if not on edge
if (grid[x][y-1].targetChar != EMPTYCHAR) { //adjacent letter collision
fitScore = 0;
} else if (i == word.length - 1 && y + i < GRID_WIDTH -1) { //check for empty space after last character of word if not on edge
if (grid[x][y + i + 1].targetChar != EMPTYCHAR) { //adjacent letter collision
fitScore = 0;
if (y + i < GRID_WIDTH) {
if (grid[x][y + i].targetChar == word[i]) { //letter match - aka cross point
fitScore += 1;
} else if (grid[x][y + i].targetChar != EMPTYCHAR) { //letter doesn't match and it isn't empty so there is a collision
fitScore = 0;
} else { //verify that there aren't letters on either side of placement if it isn't a crosspoint
if (x < GRID_HEIGHT) { //check top side if it isn't on the edge
if (grid[x + 1][y + i].targetChar != EMPTYCHAR) { //adjacent letter collision
fitScore = 0;
if (x > 0) { //check bottom side if it isn't on the edge
if (grid[x - 1][y + i].targetChar != EMPTYCHAR) { //adjacent letter collision
fitScore = 0;
return fitScore;
function placeWord(word, clue, x, y, vertical) { //places a new active word on the board
var wordPlaced = false;
if (vertical) {
if (word.length + x < GRID_HEIGHT) {
for (i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
grid[x + i][y].targetChar = word[i];
wordPlaced = true;
} else {
if (word.length + y < GRID_WIDTH) {
for (i = 0; i < word.length; i++) {
grid[x][y + i].targetChar = word[i];
wordPlaced = true;
if (wordPlaced) {
var currentIndex = activeWordList.length;
activeWordList[currentIndex] = {};
activeWordList[currentIndex].word = word;
activeWordList[currentIndex].clue = clue;
activeWordList[currentIndex].x = x;
activeWordList[currentIndex].y = y;
activeWordList[currentIndex].vertical = vertical;
if (activeWordList[currentIndex].vertical) {
activeWordList[currentIndex].number = downCount;
} else {
activeWordList[currentIndex].number = acrossCount;
function isActiveWord(word) {
if (activeWordList.length > 0) {
for (var w = 0; w < activeWordList.length; w++) {
if (word == activeWordList[w].word) {
//console.log(word + ' in activeWordList');
return true;
return false;
this.displayGrid = function displayGrid() {
var rowStr = "";
for (var x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
for (var y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
rowStr += "<td>" + grid[x][y].targetChar + "</td>";
$('#tempTable').append("<tr>" + rowStr + "</tr>");
rowStr = "";
console.log('across ' + acrossCount);
console.log('down ' + downCount);
//for each word in the source array we test where it can fit on the board and then test those locations for validity against other already placed words
this.generateBoard = function generateBoard(seed = 0) {
var bestScoreIndex = 0;
var top = 0;
var fitScore = 0;
var startTime;
//manually place the longest word horizontally at 0,0, try others if the generated board is too weak
placeWord(wordArray[seed].word, wordArray[seed].displayWord, wordArray[seed].clue, 0, 0, false);
//attempt to fill the rest of the board
for (var iy = 0; iy < FIT_ATTEMPTS; iy++) { //usually 2 times is enough for max fill potential
for (var ix = 1; ix < wordArray.length; ix++) {
if (!isActiveWord(wordArray[ix].word)) { //only add if not already in the active word list
topScore = 0;
bestScoreIndex = 0;
suggestCoords(wordArray[ix].word); //fills coordList and coordCount
coordList = shuffleArray(coordList); //adds some randomization
if (coordList[0]) {
for (c = 0; c < coordList.length; c++) { //get the best fit score from the list of possible valid coordinates
fitScore = checkFitScore(wordArray[ix].word, coordList[c].x, coordList[c].y, coordList[c].vertical);
if (fitScore > topScore) {
topScore = fitScore;
bestScoreIndex = c;
if (topScore > 1) { //only place a word if it has a fitscore of 2 or higher
placeWord(wordArray[ix].word, wordArray[ix].clue, coordList[bestScoreIndex].x, coordList[bestScoreIndex].y, coordList[bestScoreIndex].vertical);
if(activeWordList.length < wordArray.length/2) { //regenerate board if if less than half the words were placed
function seedBoard() {
gameboard = new board(GRID_WIDTH, GRID_HEIGHT);
温度 = []
对于范围内的 w _ size (len (w _ space) ,2,-1) :
# T
如果 len (word) = = w _ size ] :
如果 w 不在 temp 中并且 putTheWord (w,w _ space) :
Append (w)
w_space=['c','.','a','.','.','.'] # whereas dots are blank cells
pattern = r''.join( [ x.letter for x in w_space ] )
pattern = pattern.strip('.') +'.*' if pattern[-1] == '.' else pattern
prog = re.compile( pattern, re.U | re.I )
if prog.match( w ) :
if prog.match( w ).group() == w :
return True
after each successfully used word, change direction.
Loop while all cells are filled OR you run out of words OR by limit of iterations then :
inexOf1stWord = allwords.index( leading_w )
allwords = allwords[:inexOf1stWord+1][:] + allwords[inexOf1stWord+1:][:]
...and iterate again new crossword.
Make the scoring system by easiness of filling, and some estimation calcs.
Give score for the current crossword and narrow later choice by append it into
list of made crosswords if the score is satisfied by your scoring system.
After first iteration session iterate again from the list of made crosswords to finish the job.
By using more parameters speed can be improved by a huge factor.