如何让 PyPy、 Django 和 PostgreSQL 协同工作?

要使 PyPy、 Django 和 PostgreSQL 能够很好地协同工作,应该使用哪种分支或包的组合?

我知道 PyPy 和 Django 在一起很好,但是我对 PyPy 和 PostgreSQL 不太确定。我确实看到 Alex Gaynor 制作了一个名为 (咒语)的 PyPy 分支。我也知道有些人正在使用 心理学家2-ctype

这些叉子有什么不同吗?或者我们应该使用稳定的1.9 PyPy 并使用 Psycopg2-ctype?使用 ctype 选项可能会影响性能,请参阅下面的评论。

还有,有人在 pyscopg2中使用 PyPy 时遇到过任何陷阱吗?如果某些东西不能正常工作,那么回到 CPython 似乎很容易,但我主要是在寻找程序员可以提前准备的东西。

我环顾四周,看起来 Psycopg2并不是与 PyPy 一起工作的。虽然,Psycopg2-ctype 似乎确实对某些人有效,但是在 Pypy-dev上有一个讨论。我在 Windows 上工作,很遗憾,我不认为 Psycopg2-ctype 已经为 Windows 做好了准备。

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psycopg2cffi (Updated 2015)

psycopg2cffi is yet another psycopg2-compatible replacement and should provide the best PostgreSQL performance with PyPy. Add this to your settings.py to remain compatible with both:

import psycopg2
except ImportError:
# Fall back to psycopg2cffi
from psycopg2cffi import compat

psycopg2-ctypes (2012)

I also know that some people are using psycopg2-ctypes.

This is the easiest way; to stay compatible with both, just add this code in your Django settings.py:

import psycopg2
except ImportError:
# Fall back to psycopg2-ctypes
from psycopg2ct import compat

I tested this a few releases ago; sadly in my experience, psycopg2-ctypes negates the small performance gains afforded by PyPy. But YMMV, it depends on how JIT-friendly your code is in general and what fraction of time you actually spend running Python code. And maybe PyPy has just improved since then.

and I don't think psycopg2-ctypes is ready for Windows yet

I haven't tried this, but ctypes is platform-independent. AFAICT you just have to make sure that the libpq.dll library is loadable (located in a directory in your PATH environment variable or local directory) and it should work on Windows just like in Linux.


I do see that Alex Gaynor has made a fork of PyPy called pypy-postgresql.

I don't think this is a good choice in the long term. The branch hasn't been updated for more than a year and my attempts to build it have failed. And it seems wrong to hard-code a PostgreSQL driver in the interpreter anyway.

I believe there are no binaries out there of pypy-postgresql either, so if you want to use it, you'd need to build the whole PyPy branch yourself. Not for the faint of heart: it takes tens of minutes and a machine with at least 4 GB of memory. (Official instructions: http://pypy.org/download.html#building-from-source)

To build, you first need the source. If you have Mercurial installed, you can simply hg clone https://bitbucket.org/alex_gaynor/pypy-postgresql. If not, you can download the automagic "tip" zip file: https://bitbucket.org/alex_gaynor/pypy-postgresql/get/tip.zip

Open a command line, go into the decompressed directory, and then inside pypy/translator/goal

If you have PyPy installed, it's recommended to use that for building:

pypy translate.py -Ojit


python translate.py -Ojit

Sadly this is where my knowledge ends. I get the error "BytecodeCorruption: unimplemented opcode, ofs=234, code=203, name=BUILD_LIST_FROM_ARG"

Some additional resources:

  • PyPy compatibility information: DB adaptors
  • PostgreSQL page on the Python wiki
  • psycopg2cffi by Konstantin Lopuhin:
    cffi based implementation of psycopg2 for PyPy 2.0 and newer
    (blog post, GitHub repo, PyPI page, pypy-dev thread)
    – this looks like the strongest candidate currently, but I haven't tested it yet
  • psycopg2ct by Michael van Tellingen:
    ctypes based implementation of psycopg2 for PyPy 1.6 and newer
    (GitHub repo, PyPI page)
  • pypy-postgresql by Alex Gaynor:
    abandoned RPython port of psycopg2 implemented as a fork of PyPy (Bitbucket repo)
  • pypq:
    "Python PostgreSQL DBAPI 2.0 compliant driver using ctypes and libpq.so, works with PyPy"
    (discussion, PyPI page)
  • bpgsql:
    "Barebones pure-python PostGreSQL client. Mostly DB-API 2.0 (PEP 249) compliant. Includes an experimental Django 1.0 backend"
    (discussion, web page, Google Code page)
  • pg8000:
    "a DB-API 2.0 compatible Pure-Python interface to the PostgreSQL database engine [...] does not rely on any external libraries (such as a compiled python module, or PostgreSQL’s libpq library)"
    (web page, GitHub repo, PyPI page)