我有三个函数可以找到列表的第 n 个元素:
nthElement :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
nthElement [] a = Nothing
nthElement (x:xs) a | a <= 0 = Nothing
| a == 1 = Just x
| a > 1 = nthElement xs (a-1)
nthElementIf :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
nthElementIf [] a = Nothing
nthElementIf (x:xs) a = if a <= 1
then if a <= 0
then Nothing
else Just x -- a == 1
else nthElementIf xs (a-1)
nthElementCases :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
nthElementCases [] a = Nothing
nthElementCases (x:xs) a = case a <= 0 of
True -> Nothing
False -> case a == 1 of
True -> Just x
False -> nthElementCases xs (a-1)
在我看来,第一个函数是最好的实现,因为它是最简洁的。但是,是否有其他两种实现使它们更可取呢?扩展一下,您将如何在使用警卫、 if-then-else 语句和案例之间做出选择?