Permissions 0777 for '/Users/username/.ssh/id_rsa' are too open.It is recommended that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.This private key will be ignored.
~/.ssh/id_rsaContains the private key for authentication. These files contain sensitivedata and should be readable by the user but notaccessible by others (read/write/execute). ssh will simply ignore a privatekey file if it isaccessible by others. It is possible to specify apassphrase when generating the key which will be used to encrypt the sensitivepart of this file using 3DES.
~/.ssh/ the public key for authentication. These files are not sensitive andcan (but need not) be readable by anyone.
Permissions 0755 for 'privateKey' are too open.It is required that your private key files are NOT accessible by others.This private key will be ignored.Load key "privateKey": bad permissions
我正在使用Windows 10并尝试通过SSH连接到EC2实例。而不是使用Cygwin for Windows,尝试使用Git Bash。在执行chmod 400 for key后,我能够SSH到EC2实例,但从Cygwin对我来说同样不起作用。Windows将. pem文件视为来自Internet并阻止它,即使禁用继承也不起作用。