Are you saying that ArrayList is storing addresses of arrays because that is what is returning from the toString call, or because that's actually what you're storing?
If you have an ArrayList of arrays (e.g.
int[] arr = {1, 2, 3};
Then to print the array values you need to call Arrays.deepToString:
for (int i = 0; i < houseAddress.size(); i++) {
since you haven't provide a custom implementation for toString() method it calls the default on which is going to print the address in memory for that object
in your Address class override the toString() method like this
public class Address {
int addressNo ;
protected String toString(){
return Integer.toString(addressNo);
now when you call
houseAddress.get(i) in the `System.out.print()` method like this
System.out.print( houseAddress.get(i) ) the toString() of the Address object will be called
I am not sure if I understood the notion of addresses (I am assuming houseAddress here), but if you are looking for way a to print the ArrayList, here you go:
The interface List does not define a contract for toString(), but the AbstractCollection base class provides a useful implementation that ArrayList inherits.
Since Java 8, you can use forEach() method from Iterable interface.
It's a default method. As an argument, it takes an object of class, which implements functional interface Consumer. You can implement Consumer locally in three ways:
This way of printing works for all implementations of Iterable interface.
All of them, gives you the way of defining how the elements will be printed, whereas toString() enforces printing list in one format.
if you make the @Override public String toString() as comments,
you will have the same results as you did.
But if you implement your toString() method, it will work.
This is a simple code of add the value in ArrayList and print the ArrayList Value
public class Samim {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Declare list
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
// Add value in list
list.add("First Value ArrayPosition=0");
list.add("Second Value ArrayPosition=1");
list.add("Third Value ArrayPosition=2");
list.add("Fourth Value ArrayPosition=3");
list.add("Fifth Value ArrayPosition=4");
list.add("Sixth Value ArrayPosition=5");
list.add("Seventh Value ArrayPosition=6");
String[] objects1 = list.toArray(new String[0]);
// Print Position Value
// Print All Value
for (String val : objects1) {
An alternative Solution could be converting your list in the JSON format and print the Json-String. The advantage is a well formatted and readable Object-String without a need of implementing the toString(). Additionaly it works for any other Object or Collection on the fly.
Consider using an "Enhanced for loop" I had to do this solution for a scenario in which the arrayList was coming from a class object
changing the String datatype to the appropriate datatype or class object as desired.
ArrayList<String> teamRoster = new ArrayList<String>();
// Adding player names
System.out.println("Current roster: ");
for (String playerName : teamRoster) {
// if using an object datatype, you may need to use a solution such as playerName.getPlayer()