Another flavor for same "proxy for nuget": alternatively you can set your nuget proxing settings to connect through 小提琴手. Below cmd will save proxy settings in in default nuget config file for user at %APPDATA%\NuGet\NuGet.Config
If it works for you to only supply the http_proxy setting and not username and password I'd recommend putting the proxy settings in a project local nuget.config file and commit it to source control. That way all team members get the same settings.
在我开发的 Windows Server 2016 Standard 上,我只需要打开凭证管理器控制面板,清除 Visual Studio 的缓存代理设置,这些设置不再有效,然后重新启动 Visual Studio。下一次打开 Nuget Package Manager 时,系统提示我输入代理凭证,这让我重新开始工作。