Gnuplot 对 Matplotlib

我已经开始了一个使用 Gnuplot-py绘制 雄猫日志的项目,特别是将特定请求与内存分配和垃圾收集相关联。什么是 在 gnuplot-py 与 Matplotlib之间进行 Python 图形化的集体智慧。还有我没有听说过的更好的图形库吗?


  • Gnuplot 有大量的文档,而 gnuplot-py 没有?
  • 有没有 gnuplot 能做的事,gnuplot-py 不能做的事?
  • Matplotlib 是否有更好的 Python 支持?
  • 有没有什么大型节目来阻止虫子? 烦恼?
  • 目前 gnuplot 正在绘制100,000点,我计划将其扩展到数百万点。我应该预料到会有问题吗?Matplotlib 处理得如何?
  • Gnuplot 与 Matplotlib 的易用性和周转时间?
  • 将现有 gnuplot-py 代码移植到 Matplotlib 有多容易?


63361 次浏览

matplotlib has pretty good documentation, and seems to be quite stable. The plots it produces are beautiful - "publication quality" for sure. Due to the good documentation and the amount of example code available online, it's easy to learn and use, and I don't think you'll have much trouble translating gnuplot code to it. After all, matplotlib is being used by scientists to plot data and prepare reports - so it includes everything one needs.

One marked advantage of matplotlib is that you can integrate it with Python GUIs (wxPython and PyQt, at least) and create GUI application with nice plots.

  • You can check matplotlib's documentation yourself. I find it quite comprehensive.
  • I have very little experience with gnuplot-py, so I can not say whether it can do all gnuplot can.
  • Matplotlib is written in and designed specifically for Python, so it fits very nicely with Python idioms and such.
  • Matplotlib is a mature project. NASA uses it for some stuff.
  • I've plotted tens of millions of points in Matplotlib, and it still looked beautiful and responded quickly.
  • Beyond the object-oriented way of using Matplotlib is the pylab interface, which makes plotting as easy as it is in MATLAB -- that is, very easy.
  • As for porting from gnuplot-py to matplotlib, I have no idea.

I have played with both, and I like Matplotlib much better in terms of Python integration, options, and quality of graphs/plots.

After using GNUplot (with my own Python wrapper) for a long time (and really not liking the 80s-looking output), I just started having a look at matplotlib. I must say I like it very much, the output looks really nice and the docs are high quality and extensive (although that also goes for GNUplot). The one thing I spent ages looking for in the matplotlib docs is how to write to an image file rather than to the screen! Luckily this page explains it pretty well:

What Gnuplot can do Gnuplot-Py can do too. Because Gnuplot can be driven by pipe(pgnuplot). Gnuplot-Py is just a thin layer for it. So you don't need worry about it.

Why I prefer gnuplot maybe the many output format(PDF, PS and LaTex), which is very useful in papers, and the default output looks more scientific-style :)

Matplotlib = ease of use, Gnuplot = (slightly better) performance

I know this post is old and answered but I was passing by and wanted to put my two cents. Here is my conclusion: if you have a not-so-big data set, you should use Matplotlib. It's easier and looks better. However, if you really need performance, you could use Gnuplot. I've added some code to test it out on your machine and see for yourself if it makes a real difference (this is not a real performance benchmark but should give a first idea).

The following graph represents the required time (in seconds) to:

  • Plot a random scatter graph
  • Save the graph to a png file

Gnuplot VS Matplotlib


  • gnuplot: 5.2.2
  • gnuplot-py: 1.8
  • matplotlib: 2.1.2

I remember the performance gap being much wider when running on an older computer with older versions of the libraries (~30 seconds difference for a large scatter plot).

Moreover, as mentionned in the comments, you can get equivalent quality of plots. But you will have to put more sweat into that to do it with Gnuplot.

Here's the code to generate the graph if you want to give it a try on your machine:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from timeit import default_timer as timer
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils
import numpy as np
import sys
import os

def mPlotAndSave(x, y):
plt.scatter(x, y)

def gPlotAndSave(data, g):
g("set output 'gtmp.png'")

def cleanup():
except OSError:
except OSError:

begin = 2
end = 500000
step = 10000
numberOfPoints = range(begin, end, step)
n = len(numberOfPoints)
gnuplotTime = []
matplotlibTime = []
progressBarWidth = 30

# Init Gnuplot
g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
g("set terminal png size 640,480")

# Init matplotlib to avoid a peak in the beginning

for idx, val in enumerate(numberOfPoints):
# Print a nice progress bar (crucial)
progress = (idx+1)*progressBarWidth/n
bar = "▕" + "▇"*progress + "▁"*(progressBarWidth-progress) + "▏" + str(idx) + "/" + str(n-1)

# Generate random data
x = np.random.randint(sys.maxint, size=val)
y = np.random.randint(sys.maxint, size=val)
gdata = zip(x,y)

# Generate string call to a matplotlib plot and save, call it and save execution time
start = timer()
mPlotAndSave(x, y)
end = timer()
matplotlibTime.append(end - start)

# Generate string call to a gnuplot plot and save, call it and save execution time
start = timer()
gPlotAndSave(gdata, g)
end = timer()
gnuplotTime.append(end - start)

# Clean up the files

del g
plt.plot(numberOfPoints, gnuplotTime, label="gnuplot")
plt.plot(numberOfPoints, matplotlibTime, label="matplotlib")
plt.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.xlabel('Number of points in the scatter graph')
plt.ylabel('Execution time (s)')

About performance and plotting a great number of points: I compared this for a scatterplot of 500.000 points loaded from a text file and saved to a png, using gnuplot* and matplotlib.

500.000 points scatterplot
gnuplot:      5.171 s
matplotlib: 230.693 s

I ran it only once and the results don't look identical, but I think the idea is clear: gnuplot wins at performance.

*I used gnuplot directly since the gnuplotpy demo doesn't work out-of-the-box for me. Matplotlib wins at Python integration.

Some pro's of gnuplot (I still don't like matlibplot after years of usage):

  • plot function simply with sin(x) (no need to define arrays and think about ranges)
  • plot files directly (no need to import into an array)
  • plot piped-data (execute shell commands on the fly "<echo 1 2 3")
  • copy-to-clipboard button
  • faster plotting
  • faster coding
  • keywords easier to remember is another wrapper gnuplot wrapper for python and jupyter.