
我知道 这个问题提到了 Boost 的“静态警告”,但是我想再问一次,具体地说,我如何能够实现一个 static_warning,它的操作类似于 static_assert,但是只在编译时发出一个 警告,而不是一个中止编译错误。

我希望类似于 Alexandrescu 的建议,在 pre-C + + 11天中使用静态断言,以某种方式设法打印出一些有用的上下文信息作为错误的一部分。


简而言之,我希望 static_warning(false, "Hello world");创建一个编译器警告,它应该以某种方式在警告消息中包含字符串“ hello world”。这可能吗,比如说在海湾合作委员会和 MSVC 中?


作为一个小小的解释: 我是在考虑 这个问题时得到这个想法的: 静态警告是一种有用的方法,可以跟踪复杂模板专门化的编译时过程,否则这些过程很难调试。静态警告可以作为编译器发出“我现在正在编译代码的这一部分”的简单信标

更新 理想情况下,警告将在以下设置中触发:

template <typename T> struct Foo
static_warning(std::is_pointer<T>::value, "Attempting to use pointer type.");
// ...

int main() { Foo<int> a; Foo<int*> b; }
12646 次浏览

Here's the best I've come up with so far. It's basic and doesn't quite fit your requirements, but instead goes the route of BOOST_MPL_ASSERT_MSG in that your message has to take the form of a valid identifier. (As far as I know, the only way you could get a string printed in the warning message is if the warning you used happened to also be one to do with strings, and printed its contents.)

It requires the warning for an unused variable be enabled. In g++ this is -Wunused-variable (enabled by -Wall), and in MSVC it's warning C4101 which is enabled at Warning Level 3.

It's obviously not very tested and could be enhanced in a few ways (use __COUNTER__ instead of __LINE__ on supported compilers, prettier message printing, use Boost to simplify, etc.), but seems to get the job done. Here's the boiler-plate:

namespace detail
template <bool Condition>
struct static_warning;

template <>
struct static_warning<true>
template <typename Message>
static void warn() {}

template <>
struct static_warning<false>
// If you're here because of a warning, please see where the
// template was instantiated for the source of the warning.
template <typename Message>
static void warn() { Message STATIC_WARNING_FAILED; }

#define STATIC_WARNING_DETAIL_EX(cond, msg, line)                   \
struct static_warning ## line                               \
{                                                           \
class msg {};                                           \
static_warning ## line()                                \
{                                                       \
::detail::static_warning<(cond)>::                  \
warn<void************ (msg::************)()>(); \
}                                                       \

#define STATIC_WARNING_DETAIL(cond, msg, line) \

// Use these:
#define STATIC_WARNING_MSG(cond, msg) \

#define STATIC_WARNING(cond) \

And a test:

STATIC_WARNING(sizeof(int) == 2);

int main()

In MSVC this produces:

>main.cpp(19): warning C4101: 'STATIC_WARNING_FAILED' : unreferenced local variable
>          main.cpp(45) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void detail::static_warning<false>::warn<void************(__thiscall static_warning45::STATIC_WARNING_FAILED::* ***********)(void)>(void)' being compiled
>main.cpp(19): warning C4101: 'STATIC_WARNING_FAILED' : unreferenced local variable
>          main.cpp(49) : see reference to function template instantiation 'void detail::static_warning<false>::warn<void************(__thiscall main::static_warning49::JUST_KIDDING_ALL_IS_WELL::* ***********)(void)>(void)' being compiled

And in GCC it produces:

main.cpp: In static member function 'static void detail::static_warning<false>::warn() [with Message = void************ (static_warning39::STATIC_WARNING_FAILED::************)()]':
main.cpp:39:1:   instantiated from here
main.cpp:19:38: warning: unused variable 'STATIC_WARNING_FAILED'
main.cpp: In static member function 'static void detail::static_warning<false>::warn() [with Message = void************ (main()::static_warning43::JUST_KIDDING_ALL_IS_WELL::************)()]':
main.cpp:43:5:   instantiated from here
main.cpp:19:38: warning: unused variable 'STATIC_WARNING_FAILED'

Playing off of Michael E's comment:

#if defined(__GNUC__)
#define DEPRECATE(foo, msg) foo __attribute__((deprecated(msg)))
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
#define DEPRECATE(foo, msg) __declspec(deprecated(msg)) foo
#error This compiler is not supported

#define PP_CAT(x,y) PP_CAT1(x,y)
#define PP_CAT1(x,y) x##y

namespace detail
struct true_type {};
struct false_type {};
template <int test> struct converter : public true_type {};
template <> struct converter<0> : public false_type {};

#define STATIC_WARNING(cond, msg) \
struct PP_CAT(static_warning,__LINE__) { \
DEPRECATE(void _(::detail::false_type const& ),msg) {}; \
void _(::detail::true_type const& ) {}; \
PP_CAT(static_warning,__LINE__)() {_(::detail::converter<(cond)>());} \

// Note: using STATIC_WARNING_TEMPLATE changes the meaning of a program in a small way.
// It introduces a member/variable declaration.  This means at least one byte of space
// in each structure/class instantiation.  STATIC_WARNING should be preferred in any
// non-template situation.
//  'token' must be a program-wide unique identifier.
#define STATIC_WARNING_TEMPLATE(token, cond, msg) \
STATIC_WARNING(cond, msg) PP_CAT(PP_CAT(_localvar_, token),__LINE__)

The macro can be invoked at namespace, structure, and function scope. Given the input:

#line 1
STATIC_WARNING(1==2, "Failed with 1 and 2");
STATIC_WARNING(1<2, "Succeeded with 1 and 2");

struct Foo
STATIC_WARNING(2==3, "2 and 3: oops");
STATIC_WARNING(2<3, "2 and 3 worked");

void func()
STATIC_WARNING(3==4, "Not so good on 3 and 4");
STATIC_WARNING(3<4, "3 and 4, check");

template <typename T> struct wrap
typedef T type;
STATIC_WARNING(4==5, "Bad with 4 and 5");
STATIC_WARNING(4<5, "Good on 4 and 5");
STATIC_WARNING_TEMPLATE(WRAP_WARNING1, 4==5, "A template warning");

template struct wrap<int>;

GCC 4.6 (at default warning level) produces:

static_warning.cpp: In constructor ‘static_warning1::static_warning1()’:
static_warning.cpp:1:1: warning: ‘void static_warning1::_(const detail::false_type&)’
is deprecated (declared at static_warning.cpp:1): Failed with 1 and 2 [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
static_warning.cpp: In constructor ‘Foo::static_warning6::static_warning6()’:
static_warning.cpp:6:3: warning: ‘void Foo::static_warning6::_(const detail::false_type&)’
is deprecated (declared at static_warning.cpp:6): 2 and 3: oops [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
static_warning.cpp: In constructor ‘func()::static_warning12::static_warning12()’:
static_warning.cpp:12:3: warning: ‘void func()::static_warning12::_(const detail::false_type&)’
is deprecated (declared at static_warning.cpp:12): Not so good on 3 and 4 [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
static_warning.cpp: In constructor ‘wrap<T>::static_warning19::static_warning19() [with T = int]’:
static_warning.cpp:24:17:   instantiated from here
static_warning.cpp:19:3: warning: ‘void wrap<T>::static_warning19::_(const detail::false_type&) [with T = int]’
is deprecated (declared at static_warning.cpp:19): Bad with 4 and 5 [-Wdeprecated-declarations]

While Visual C++ 2010 (at /W3 or above) says:

warnproj.cpp(1): warning C4996: 'static_warning1::_': Failed with 1 and 2
warnproj.cpp(1) : see declaration of 'static_warning1::_'
warnproj.cpp(6): warning C4996: 'Foo::static_warning6::_': 2 and 3: oops
warnproj.cpp(6) : see declaration of 'Foo::static_warning6::_'
warnproj.cpp(12): warning C4996: 'func::static_warning12::_': Not so good on 3 and 4
warnproj.cpp(12) : see declaration of 'func::static_warning12::_'
warnproj.cpp(19): warning C4996: 'wrap<T>::static_warning19::_': Bad with 4 and 5
warnproj.cpp(19) : see declaration of 'wrap<T>::static_warning19::_'
warnproj.cpp(19) : while compiling class template member function 'wrap<T>::static_warning19::static_warning19(void)'
warnproj.cpp(24) : see reference to class template instantiation 'wrap<T>::static_warning19' being compiled

Clang++ 3.1 on Linux produces the arguably nicer output (color not shown):

tst3.cpp:1:1: warning: '_' is deprecated: Failed with 1 and 2
STATIC_WARNING(1==2, "Failed with 1 and 2");
tst3.cpp:24:38: note: expanded from macro 'STATIC_WARNING'
PP_CAT(static_warning,__LINE__)() {_(::detail::converter<(cond)>());} \
tst3.cpp:6:3: warning: '_' is deprecated: 2 and 3: oops
STATIC_WARNING(2==3, "2 and 3: oops");
tst3.cpp:24:38: note: expanded from macro 'STATIC_WARNING'
PP_CAT(static_warning,__LINE__)() {_(::detail::converter<(cond)>());} \
tst3.cpp:12:3: warning: '_' is deprecated: Not so good on 3 and 4
STATIC_WARNING(3==4, "Not so good on 3 and 4");
tst3.cpp:24:38: note: expanded from macro 'STATIC_WARNING'
PP_CAT(static_warning,__LINE__)() {_(::detail::converter<(cond)>());} \
tst3.cpp:19:3: warning: '_' is deprecated: Bad with 4 and 5
STATIC_WARNING(4==5, "Bad with 4 and 5");
tst3.cpp:24:38: note: expanded from macro 'STATIC_WARNING'
PP_CAT(static_warning,__LINE__)() {_(::detail::converter<(cond)>());} \
tst3.cpp:23:17: note: in instantiation of member function
'wrap<int>::static_warning19::static_warning19' requested here
template struct wrap<int>
4 warnings generated.

Here is a solution that uses the Boost MPL library:

#include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/print.hpp>

#define static_warning_impl2(cond, msg, line) \
struct static_warning_ ## line { \
struct msg {}; \
typedef typename boost::mpl::eval_if_c< \
cond, \
boost::mpl::identity<msg>, \
boost::mpl::print<msg> \
>::type msg ## _; \

#define static_warning_impl1(cond, msg, line) \
static_warning_impl2(cond, msg, line)

#define static_warning(cond, msg) \
static_warning_impl1(cond, msg, __LINE__)

It comes with the same restriction as GMan's solution: the message must be a valid identifier. Here are two tests

static_warning(sizeof(int) == 4, size_of_int_is_not_4);


static_warning(sizeof(int) == 2, size_of_int_is_not_2);

With MSVS 2010 the first test compiles without warnings, the second compiles with the warning

C:\Libraries\Boost\boost_1_48_0\boost/mpl/print.hpp(51): warning C4308: negative integral constant converted to unsigned type
C:\Libraries\Boost\boost_1_48_0\boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp(63) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::mpl::print<T>' being compiled
Test.cpp(28) : see reference to class template instantiation 'boost::mpl::eval_if_c<C,F1,F2>' being compiled

The code uses boost::mpl::print. From the book C++ Template Metaprogramming by D. Abrahams and A. Gurtovoy, page 171:

To generate a compile-time execution log, we'd need a way to generate a diagnostic message - a warning. Because there's no single construct that will cause all compilers to generate a warning (indeed, most compilers let you disable warnings altogether), MPL has a print metafunction that is just like identity except that it is tuned to generate a warning on a variety of popular compilers with their usual settings.

Since C++14, you can use attribute [[deprecated]].

#include <iostream>

void TriassicPeriod() {
std::clog << "Triassic Period: [251.9 - 208.5] million years ago.\n";

[[deprecated("Use NeogenePeriod() instead.")]]
void JurassicPeriod() {
std::clog << "Jurassic Period: [201.3 - 152.1] million years ago.\n";

[[deprecated("Use calcSomethingDifferently(int).")]]
int calcSomething(int x) {
return x * 2;

int main()
GCC (x86-64 gcc 10.3) --std=c++14 -Wall:

<source>: In function 'int main()':
<source>:20:20: warning: 'void TriassicPeriod()' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
20 |     TriassicPeriod();
|                    ^
<source>:4:6: note: declared here
4 | void TriassicPeriod() {
|      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
<source>:21:20: warning: 'void JurassicPeriod()' is deprecated: Use NeogenePeriod() instead. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
21 |     JurassicPeriod();
|                    ^
<source>:9:6: note: declared here
9 | void JurassicPeriod() {
|      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Compiler returned: 0

MSVC (x64 msvc v19.28 (VS16.9)) /std:c++14 /W4:

<source>(20): warning C4996: 'TriassicPeriod': was declared deprecated
<source>(21): warning C4996: 'JurassicPeriod': Use NeogenePeriod() instead.
Compiler returned: 0

With C++20, you can conditionally enable constructors easily using keyword requires.

#include <type_traits>

template <class T>
struct Foo
Foo() {}

[[deprecated("Attempting to use pointer type.")]]
Foo() requires(std::is_pointer<T>::value) {}

int main()
Foo<int> a;
Foo<int*> b;
GCC (x86-64 gcc 10.3) --std=c++20 -Wall:

<source>: In function 'int main()':
<source>:12:14: warning: 'Foo<T>::Foo() requires  std::is_pointer<_Tp>::value [with T = int*]' is deprecated: Attempting to use pointer type. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
12 |   Foo<int *> b;
|              ^
<source>:6:53: note: declared here
6 |   [[deprecated("Attempting to use pointer type.")]] Foo() requires(
|                                                     ^~~
Compiler returned: 0

MSVC (x64 msvc v19.28 (VS16.9)) /std:c++latest /W4:

<source>(12): warning C4996: 'Foo<int *>::Foo': Attempting to use pointer type.
Compiler returned: 0

If you want to use something similar to static_warning(false, "Hello world");, we have to use macros for various reasons. See How to pass raw string literals to [[deprecated(message)]] attribute? for example.