




下面是原始作者Quasimondo从他的编码中得到的结果(图像是在创作共用署名-非商业性许可下授权的): 蒙娜丽莎




  1. 你的程序必须有两种模式:编码解码
  2. <李>当# EYZ0:
    1. 您的程序必须以您选择的任何合理的光栅图形格式作为输入。我们认为ImageMagick支持的任何光栅格式都是合理的。
    2. 你的程序必须输出一个可以用140或更少的Unicode码位表示的消息;在U+0000 - U+10FFFF范围内的140个代码点,不包括非字符(U+FFFEU+FFFFU+U+10FFFF5FFFEU+U+10FFFF5FFFF,其中U+10FFFF5是1 - 10十六进制,范围U+10FFFF0 - U+10FFFF1)和代理代码点(U+10FFFF2 - U+10FFFF3)。它可以以您选择的任何合理编码输出;U+10FFFF8支持的任何编码都是合理的,平台原生编码或本地编码可能是一个不错的选择。详见U+10FFFF9。
    3. 李< / ol > < / > <李>当# EYZ0:
      1. 您的程序应该将编码模式的输出作为输入。
      2. 你的程序必须输出你选择的任何合理的格式的图像,如上所定义的,虽然输出矢量格式也是可以的。
      3. 图像输出应该是输入图像的近似值;越接近输入图像越好。
      4. 译码过程除了上述指定的输出外,不能访问编码过程的任何其他输出;也就是说,你不能把图像上传到某个地方,然后输出URL供解码过程下载,或者类似的傻事。
      5. 李< / ol > < / >
      6. 为了用户界面的一致性,你的程序必须如下所示:

        1. 您的程序必须是一个脚本,可以在平台上使用适当的解释器设置为可执行文件,或者是一个可以编译为可执行文件的程序。
        2. 您的程序必须将encodedecode作为第一个参数来设置模式。
        3. 你的程序必须以以下一种或多种方式获取输入(如果你实现了接受文件名的方式,如果文件名缺失,你也可以从stdin和stdout中读写):

          1. 从标准输入和在标准输出输出。

            my-program encode <input.png >output.txt
            my-program decode <output.txt >output.png
          2. Take input from a file named in the second argument, and produce output in the file named in the third.

            my-program encode input.png output.txt
            my-program decode output.txt output.png
      7. For your solution, please post:
        1. Your code, in full, and/or a link to it hosted elsewhere (if it's very long, or requires many files to compile, or something).
        2. An explanation of how it works, if it's not immediately obvious from the code or if the code is long and people will be interested in a summary.
        3. An example image, with the original image, the text it compresses down to, and the decoded image.
        4. If you are building on an idea that someone else had, please attribute them. It's OK to try to do a refinement of someone else's idea, but you must attribute them.


      These are basically rules that may be broken, suggestions, or scoring criteria:

      1. Aesthetics are important. I'll be judging, and suggest that other people judge, based on:
        1. How good the output image looks, and how much it looks like the original.
        2. How nice the text looks. Completely random gobbledigook is OK if you have a really clever compression scheme, but I also want to see answers that turn images into mutli-lingual poems, or something clever like that. Note that the author of the original solution decided to use only Chinese characters, since it looked nicer that way.
        3. Interesting code and clever algorithms are always good. I like short, to the point, and clear code, but really clever complicated algorithms are OK too as long as they produce good results.
      2. Speed is also important, though not as important as how good a job compressing the image you do. I'd rather have a program that can convert an image in a tenth of a second than something that will be running genetic algorithms for days on end.
      3. I will prefer shorter solutions to longer ones, as long as they are reasonably comparable in quality; conciseness is a virtue.
      4. Your program should be implemented in a language that has a freely-available implementation on Mac OS X, Linux, or Windows. I'd like to be able to run the programs, but if you have a great solution that only runs under MATLAB or something, that's fine.
      5. Your program should be as general as possible; it should work for as many different images as possible, though some may produce better results than others. In particular:
        1. Having a few images built into the program that it matches and writes a reference to, and then produces the matching image upon decoding, is fairly lame and will only cover a few images.
        2. A program that can take images of simple, flat, geometric shapes and decompose them into some vector primitive is pretty nifty, but if it fails on images beyond a certain complexity it is probably insufficiently general.
        3. A program that can only take images of a particular fixed aspect ratio but does a good job with them would also be OK, but not ideal.
        4. You may find that a black and white image can get more information into a smaller space than a color image. On the other hand, that may limit the types of image it's applicable to; faces come out fine in black and white, but abstract designs may not fare so well.
        5. It is perfectly fine if the output image is smaller than the input, while being roughly the same proportion. It's OK if you have to scale the image up to compare it to the original; what's important is how it looks.
      6. Your program should produce output that could actually go through Twitter and come out unscathed. This is only a guideline rather than a rule, since I couldn't find any documentation on the precise set of characters supported, but you should probably avoid control characters, funky invisible combining characters, private use characters, and the like.

      Scoring rubric

      As a general guide to how I will be ranking solutions when choosing my accepted solution, lets say that I'll probably be evaluating solutions on a 25 point scale (this is very rough, and I won't be scoring anything directly, just using this as a basic guideline):

      • 15 points for how well the encoding scheme reproduces a wide range of input images. This is a subjective, aesthetic judgement
        • 0 means that it doesn't work at all, it gives the same image back every time, or something
        • 5 means that it can encode a few images, though the decoded version looks ugly and it may not work at all on more complicated images
        • 10 means that it works on a wide range of images, and produces pleasant looking images which may occasionally be distinguishable
        • 15 means that it produces perfect replicas of some images, and even for larger and more complex images, gives something that is recognizable. Or, perhaps it does not make images that are quite recognizable, but produces beautiful images that are clearly derived from the original.
      • 3 points for clever use of the Unicode character set
        • 0 points for simply using the entire set of allowed characters
        • 1 point for using a limited set of characters that are safe for transfer over Twitter or in a wider variety of situations
        • 2 points for using a thematic subset of characters, such as only Han ideographs or only right-to-left characters
        • 3 points for doing something really neat, like generating readable text or using characters that look like the image in question
      • 3 points for clever algorithmic approaches and code style
        • 0 points for something that is 1000 lines of code only to scale the image down, treat it as 1 bit per pixel, and base64 encode that
        • 1 point for something that uses a standard encoding technique and is well written and brief
        • 2 points for something that introduces a relatively novel encoding technique, or that is surprisingly short and clean
        • 3 points for a one liner that actually produces good results, or something that breaks new ground in graphics encoding (if this seems like a low number of points for breaking new ground, remember that a result this good will likely have a high score for aesthetics as well)
      • 2 points for speed. All else being equal, faster is better, but the above criteria are all more important than speed
      • 1 point for running on free (open source) software, because I prefer free software (note that C# will still be eligible for this point as long as it runs on Mono, likewise MATLAB code would be eligible if it runs on GNU Octave)
      • 1 point for actually following all of the rules. These rules have gotten a bit big and complicated, so I'll probably accept otherwise good answers that get one small detail wrong, but I will give an extra point to any solution that does actually follow all of the rules

      Reference images

      Some folks have asked for some reference images. Here are a few reference images that you can try; smaller versions are embedded here, they all link to larger versions of the image if you need those:

      Lena Mona Lisa Cornell Box StackOverflow Logo


      I am offering a 500 rep bounty (plus the 50 that StackOverflow kicks in) for the solution that I like the best, based on the above criteria. Of course, I encourage everyone else to vote on their favorite solutions here as well.

      Note on deadline

      This contest will run until the bounty runs out, about 6 PM on Saturday, May 30. I can't say the precise time it will end; it may be anywhere from 5 to 7 PM. I will guarantee that I'll look at all entries submitted by 2 PM, and I will do my best to look at all entries submitted by 4 PM; if solutions are submitted after that, I may not have a chance to give them a fair look before I have to make my decision. Also, the earlier you submit, the more chance you will have for voting to be able to help me pick the best solution, so try and submit earlier rather than right at the deadline.

      Unicode notes

      There has also been some confusion on exactly what Unicode characters are allowed. The range of possible Unicode code points is U+0000 to U+10FFFF. There are some code points which are never valid to use as Unicode characters in any open interchange of data; these are the noncharacters and the surrogate code points. Noncharacters are defined in the Unidode Standard 5.1.0 section 16.7 as the values U+FFFE, U+FFFF, U+nFFFE, U+nFFFF where n is 110 hexadecimal, and the range U+FDD0U+FDEF. These values are intended to be used for application-specific internal usage, and conforming applications may strip these characters out of text processed by them. Surrogate code points, defined in the Unicode Standard 5.1.0 section 3.8 as U+D800U+DFFF, are used for encoding characters beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane in UTF-16; thus, it is impossible to represent these code points directly in the UTF-16 encoding, and it is invalid to encode them in any other encoding. Thus, for the purpose of this contest, I will allow any program which encodes images into a sequence of no more than 140 Unicode code points from the range U+0000U+10FFFF, excluding all noncharacters and surrogate pairs as defined above.

      I will prefer solutions that use only assigned characters, and even better ones that use clever subsets of assigned characters or do something interesting with the character set they use. For a list of assigned characters, see the Unicode Character Database; note that some characters are listed directly, while some are listed only as the start and end of a range. Also note that surrogate code points are listed in the database, but forbidden as mentioned above. If you would like to take advantage of certain properties of characters for making the text you output more interesting, there are a variety of databases of character information available, such as a list of named code blocks and various character properties.

      Since Twitter does not specify the exact character set they support, I will be lenient about solutions which do not actually work with Twitter because certain characters count extra or certain characters are stripped. It is preferred but not required that all encoded outputs should be able to be transferred unharmed via Twitter or another microblogging service such as identi.ca. I have seen some documentation stating that Twitter entity-encodes <, >, and &, and thus counts those as 4, 4, and 5 characters respectively, but I have not tested that out myself, and their JavaScript character counter doesn't seem to count them that way.

      Tips & Links

      • The definition of valid Unicode characters in the rules is a bit complicated. Choosing a single block of characters, such as CJK Unified Ideographs (U+4E00–U+9FCF) may be easier.
      • You may use existing image libraries, like ImageMagick or Python Imaging Library, for your image manipulation.
      • If you need some help understanding the Unicode character set and its various encodings, see this quick guide or this detailed FAQ on UTF-8 in Linux and Unix.
      • The earlier you get your solution in, the more time I (and other people voting) will have to look at it. You can edit your solution if you improve it; I'll base my bounty on the most recent version when I take my last look through the solutions.
      • If you want an easy image format to parse and write (and don't want to just use an existing format), I'd suggest using the PPM format. It's a text based format that's very easy to work with, and you can use ImageMagick to convert to and from it.
97662 次浏览


    我首先计算可以放入140 utf8字符的最大原始数据量。
    • (我假设utf8,这是最初的网站声称twitter存储消息的地方。这与上面的问题语句不同,上面的问题语句要求utf16。)
    • 使用这是utf8常见问题,我计算出在单个utf8字符中可以编码的最大比特数是31位。为了做到这一点,我将使用U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF范围内的所有字符。(1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx,有31个x,因此我可以编码31位)。
    • 31位乘以140位等于4340位。除以8得到524.5,四舍五入到542个字节
    • (如果我们限制自己使用utf16,那么每个字符只能存储2个字节,这将等于280字节)。
    • 李< / ul > < / >
    • 使用标准jpg压缩图像。
      • 将图像大小调整为大约50x50px,然后尝试在不同的压缩级别上压缩它,直到你有一个尽可能接近542字节的图像,而不会超过。
      • 这是一个例子的蒙娜丽莎压缩到536字节。
      • 李< / ul > < / >
      • 将压缩图像的原始位编码为utf-8字符。
        • 将以下字节中的每个x替换为图像中的位:1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
        • 这部分可能是需要编写大部分代码的部分,因为目前还没有任何东西可以做到这一点。
        • 李< / ul > < / >




Roger Alsing写的这个遗传算法有一个很好的压缩比,代价是很长的压缩时间。得到的顶点向量可以使用有损或无损算法进一步压缩。




没有明确提到的是(但我个人的规则是),你应该能够在浏览器中选择tweet消息,将其复制到剪贴板,并将其粘贴到解码器的文本输入字段中,以便它可以显示。当然,你也可以自由地将消息保存为文本文件并将其读入,或者编写一个工具来访问Twitter API并过滤掉任何看起来像图像代码的消息(特殊标记)。# EYZ0 # EYZ0)。但规则是,信息必须通过Twitter才能被允许解码。





不错! !你们引起了我的兴趣。今天剩下的时间都没有工作要做。

我的完整解决方案可以在< a href = " http://caca.zoy.org/wiki/img2twit " > http://caca.zoy.org/wiki/img2twit找到。它具有以下特点:

  • 合理的压缩时间(高质量1分钟左右)
  • 快速解压(几分之一秒)
  • 保持原始图像大小(不仅仅是纵横比)
  • 体面的重建质量(IMHO)
  • 消息长度和字符集(ASCII, CJK,符号)可以在运行时选择
  • 消息长度和字符集在解压时自动检测
  • 非常有效的信息包装

< a href = " http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/so-logo.png " > http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/so-logo.png # EYZ0 < / p >



  • 可用的比特数根据所需的消息长度和可用的字符集计算
  • 源图像被分割成尽可能多的正方形单元,因为可用的位允许
  • 每个单元格都有固定数量的点(目前是2个),具有初始坐标和颜色值
  • 重复执行以下操作,直到满足质量条件:
    • 点是随机选择的
    • 在这个点上随机执行一个操作(将它移动到它的单元格内,改变它的颜色)
    • 如果生成的图像(参见下面的解码过程)更接近源图像,则该操作将被保留
    • 李< / ul > < / >
    • 图像大小和点列表用UTF-8编码


    • 图像大小和点从UTF-8流中读取
    • 对于目标图像中的每个像素:
      • 计算自然邻居列表
      • 像素的最终颜色设置为其自然邻居颜色的加权平均值

    我认为这个程序最原始的部分是比特流。我没有打包位对齐的值(stream <<= shift; stream |= value),而是打包不在2的幂范围内的任意值(stream *= range; stream += value)。这需要大量的计算,当然也要慢得多,但当使用20902个主要CJK字符时,它给了我2009.18位而不是1960位(这是我可以在数据中添加的3个点)。当使用ASCII码时,我得到的是917.64位而不是840位。



    < a href = " http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/Mona_Lisa_scaled.jpg " > http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/Mona_Lisa_scaled.jpg # EYZ0 < / p >





    < a href = " http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/minimona.jpg " > http://caca.zoy.org/raw-attachment/wiki/img2twit/minimona.jpg # EYZ0 < / p >





< >强版本1 这是我的第一次尝试。




< p > # EYZ0原创 解码SO Logo http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/so-logo-decoded.png编码解码后

# EYZ0: 300





更新: v2现在有资格参加比赛。变化:

  • 命令行控制输入/输出和调试
  • 使用XML解析器(lxml)来处理SVG而不是正则表达式
  • 每个unicode符号打包2个路径段
  • 文档和清理
  • 支持style="fill:color"和fill="color"
  • 文档宽度/高度打包成单个字符
  • 路径颜色包装成单个字符
  • 颜色压缩由 每次丢弃4位的颜色数据 然后通过十六进制转换将其包装成一个字符

# EYZ0: # EYZ1



正如您所看到的,这次有一些人工制品。这不是方法的限制,而是我转换中的某个错误。当点超出0.0 - 127.0范围时,就会发生工件,我试图约束它们的尝试有好有坏。解决方案是简单地缩放图像,但我有问题缩放实际的点,而不是画板或组矩阵,我现在太累了。简而言之,如果你的点在支持的范围内,它通常是可行的。


< p > # EYZ0: 这种方法适用于简单的对象,所以我需要一种方法来简化复杂的路径并减少噪音。我使用来完成这个任务。我曾经用Inkscape剔除了一些不必要的路径,但没有时间尝试自动化。我用Inkscape的“Simplify”函数做了一些svgs样例,以减少路径的数量


# eyz0 # eyz1 # eyz2

thumbnails tracing http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/competition_thumbnails_autotrace.png


groomed http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/competition_thumbnails_groomed.png

trianglulated http://www.warriorhut.org/graphics/svg_to_unicode/competition_thumbnails_triangulated.png

autotrace --output-format svg --output-file cornell_box.svg --despeckle-level 20 --color-count 64 cornell_box.png




蒙娜丽莎DLI http://i40.tinypic.com/2md5q4m.png




好吧,这是我的:nanocrunch.cppCMakeLists.txt文件,使用CMake。来构建它。它依赖于魔法+ + ImageMagick API来进行大多数图像处理。它还需要GMP库用于字符串编码的大算术。



另一件事是,为每个块的每个颜色组件存储对比度/亮度调整太昂贵了。相反,我存储了一个重度量化的颜色(调色板只有4 * 4 * 4 = 64种颜色),它只是以某种比例混合在一起。从数学上讲,这相当于对每种颜色进行可变亮度和恒定对比度的调整。不幸的是,这也意味着没有负对比来翻转颜色。

一旦计算出每个块的位置、方向和颜色,它就会将其编码为UTF-8字符串。首先,它生成一个非常大的bigum来表示块表中的数据和图像大小。这个方法类似于Sam Hocevar的解——一个基数随位置变化的大数。

然后它将其转换为可用字符集大小的基数。默认情况下,它充分使用指定的unicode字符集,减去小于、大于、&号、控件、组合以及代理和私有字符。虽然不漂亮,但很有效。您还可以注释掉默认表并选择可打印的7位ASCII(同样不包括<, >和&字符)或CJK统一表意文字。可用字符代码的表以一个运行长度存储,该运行长度由无效字符和有效字符的交替运行编码。

不管怎样,这里有一些图像和时间(在我的旧3.0GHz P4上测量的),并在上面描述的完整分配的unicode集中压缩为140个字符。总的来说,我对他们的表现相当满意。如果我有更多的时间来处理这个问题,我可能会尝试减少解压缩图像的块状。尽管如此,我认为对于极限压缩比来说,结果还是相当不错的。解压缩的图像有点印象派,但我发现它相对容易看到比特如何对应原始。


Lena (32.8s编码,13.0s解码,477字节):
# EYZ0 # EYZ1 < / p >

# EYZ0 # EYZ1 < / p >



http://i43.tinypic.com/2yxgdfk.png 咏璘驞凄脒鵚据蛥鸂拗朐朖辿韩瀦魷歪痫栘璯緍脲蕜抱揎頻蓼債鑡嗞靊寞柮嚛嚵籥聚隤慛絖銓馿渫櫰矍昀鰛掾撄粂敽牙稉擎蔍螎葙峬覧絀蹔抆惫冧笻哜搀澐芯譶辍澮垝黟偞媄童竽梀韠镰猳閺狌而羶喙伆杇婣唆鐤諽鷍鴞駫搶毤埙誖萜愿旖鞰萗勹鈱哳垬濅鬒秀瞛洆认気狋異闥籴珵仾氙熜謋繴茴晋髭杍嚖熥勳縿餅珝爸擸萿< / p >




  1. 向下采样图像灰度,这样总共有16个不同的阴影
  2. 在映像上执行RLE
  3. 将结果打包为UTF-16字符
  4. 对打包的结果执行RLE以删除任何重复字符




就运行时间而言,对于较小的图像,代码的运行速度非常快,对于所提供的示例图像大约为55ms,但对于较大的图像,时间确实会增加。对于512x512 Lena参考映像,运行时间为1182ms。我应该指出的是,代码本身并没有很好地优化性能(例如,所有内容都作为位图使用),所以在一些重构之后,时间可能会减少一些。








# eyz0 # eyz1 # eyz2 # eyz3




def fact(maxu):
for i in range(1,maxu+1):
return ttl

def combi(setsize, length):
return fact(length) / (fact(setsize)*fact(length-setsize))

print (combi(2, 3333)*2) + combi(2, 3334)
# 16661667L
print combi(2, 10000)
# 49995000L



http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/4169/imagey.jpg http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/4169/imagey.jpg


capt mona-lisa-large.pnm out.cc 20
dapt out.cc image.pnm


关于这个挑战的编码/解码部分。 base16b.org是我试图指定一种标准方法,用于在更高的Unicode平面中安全有效地编码二进制数据


  • 只使用Unicode的私有用户区域
  • 编码高达17位每个字符;几乎是Base64的三倍
  • 提供了encode/decode的参考Javascript实现
  • 包括一些示例编码,包括Twitter和Wordpress





  • 纯粹的Lua。在Lua解释器运行的任何地方运行。
  • 使用netpbm P3格式
  • 附带一套全面的单元测试
  • 保留原始图像大小


  • 在这样的空间限制下,它只保留初始图像的基本配色方案和少数特征的大致轮廓。
下面是一个代表Lena的例子: 犭楊谷杌蒝螦界匘玏扝匮俄归晃客猘摈硰划刀萕码摃斢嘁蜁嚎耂澹簜僨砠偑婊內團揕忈義倨襠凁梡岂掂戇耔攋斘眐奡萛狂昸箆亲嬎廙栃兡塅受橯恰应戞优猫僘瑩吱賾卣朸杈腠綍蝘猕屐稱悡詬來噩压罍尕熚帤厥虤嫐虲兙罨縨炘排叁抠堃從弅慌螎熰標宑簫柢橙拃丨蜊缩昔儻舭勵癳冂囤璟彔榕兠摈侑蒖孂埮槃姠璐哠眛嫡琠枀訜苄暬厇廩焛瀻严啘刱垫仔< / p >

original lena encoded lena

