返回 Rails 中的特定 HTTP状态码

如何在 Rails 中为整个应用程序返回 503服务暂停


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For the entire application:

# ApplicationController
before_filter :return_unavailable_status

def return_unavailable_status
render :nothing => true, :status => :service_unavailable

If you wanted a custom error page, you could do:

render 'custom_unavailable_page', :status => :service_unavailable

If you don't want it for specific controllers:

# SomeController
skip_before_filter :return_unavailable_status

You can use head

head 503
# or
head :service_unavailable

The following works for me:

format.any { render :json => {:response => 'Unable to authenticate' },:status => 401  }

The :response for the HTML response just in case it's accessed from the browser.

The render head 503 does not seem to be working with the above statement.