# quick way to get all (up to 100) public repos for user mirekphd
$ curl -s "https://api.github.com/users/mirekphd/repos?per_page=100" | grep full_name | sort
从 Github API 获得 所有(最多100个) 二等兵回购协议的 目前方法(参见 医生和 这个答案) :
# get all private repos from the Github API
# after logging with Personal Access Token (assuming secure 2FA is used)
$ export GITHUB_USER=mirekphd && export GITHUB_TOKEN=$(cat <path_redacted>/personal-github-token) && curl -s --header "Authorization: Bearer $GITHUB_TOKEN" --request GET "https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=user:$GITHUB_USER&per_page=100" | grep "full_name" | sort