
我需要在我当前的模块中实现一些 NLP。我正在寻找一些好的图书馆,可以帮助我在这里。我偶然发现了一个名为“凌笛”的软件,但是我不能完全理解它的使用方法。

  • 明天中午12点来接我
  • 要求6月10日之后交货
  • 请不要在星期三之前发送
  • 在订单中再添加10个单位的 XYZ
59662 次浏览

I think whether or not you choose to use NLP might depend on the specific requirements for your system. Is it a requirement that free-form english should be accepted, or will only a certain set of instructions be accepted? It might be easier to build a domain specific language that supports what your users need to convey than to do full-on semantic analysis of free-form text.

In the Java space, Groovy has some support for building DSLs.

LingPipe is very nice and well documented. You can also take a look at:

The last one specifically might be of interest to you, although I don't know whether there are any readily available Java implementations (and maybe that's too big of a gun for your problem anyway :-)

Paul's idea of using a DSL is probably easier and faster to implement, and more reliable to use for your customers. I, too, would recommend looking into that first.

For other JVM languages see