$ curl -v -I -H "Testing: Test header so you see this works" http://stackoverflow.com/
* About to connect() to stackoverflow.com port 80 (#0)
* Trying connected
* Connected to stackoverflow.com ( port 80 (#0)
> HEAD / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.16.3 (i686-pc-cygwin) libcurl/7.16.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8h zlib/1.2.3 libssh2/0.15-CVS
> Host: stackoverflow.com
> Accept: */*
> Testing: Test header so you see this works
< HTTP/1.0 200 OK
// Parse response and read cookies
preg_match_all('/^Set-Cookie: (.*?)=(.*?);/m', $response, $matches);
// Build an array with cookies
foreach( $matches[1] as $index => $cookie )
$cookies[$cookie] = $matches[2][$index];
return $cookies;
} // end http_login_client