隐藏 Vim 中的所有(非)匹配行

是否可以在 vi 或 Vim 中显示/隐藏所有匹配的行? 不要突出显示,只显示那些行即可。

例如,我有一个单词词 ERROR的文本。如何使它只显示包含 ERROR的行,以及如何只显示不包含 ERROR的行?

有没有一个解决方案 没有删除所有匹配的线,然后只是撤销它?

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You can use


to print all the lines with ERROR

Also there is a Vim plugin which I saw many times but didn't use: foldsearch : fold away lines that don't match a given pattern

Do you know about the :global command? Does this do what you want?


and for the opposite:


or equivalently:


Another approach depending on your use case would be using vimgrep and its results in quickfix. You can do the following:

:vimgrep pattern % will search the current file and take you to the first search result. More importantly it also puts the results in the "quickfix list".

:copen will then open the quickfix list in a separate quickfix-window. So you will have a separate window with all lines from your last vimgrep. Inside the quickfix-window you can then hit Enter or double-click on a line to jump to the corresponding line in your original file.

:colder will let you go back to older quickfix lists (older vimgrep results). And :cnewer goes forward to newer search results.

Note that the quickfix list is also updated when running :make (which is why its called quickfix for fixing errors). Because of this there also is an alterative to the quickfix list called the "location list". To use it instead you use :lvimgrep, then use l-prefixed commands rather than c-prefixed commands - :lopen, :lolder, :lnewer.

There is, of course, a lot more you can do. See :help quickfix for more info.

PS, You said you didn't want an approach that deletes lines and then undoing them. But since you marked g/ERRORas the answer I thought I would point out a quick and dirty way is to do g!/ERROR/d. You can then easily undo it using u. Also FYI, you can do :set hlsearch to highlight patterns matched with :g commands.

You probably mean command in less vi vim & /pattern/ which shows lines containing /pattern/ (like grep).

The best way to do this is->

:vimgrep /something/g % | copen

This will open the list of matches for your keyword and also will show only the matched lines in quickfix window.

Replace % with path to file if not considering the current file.

:vimgrep /something/g % | copen works awesome. Also :g/<pattern>/d can be used to delete lines with the pattern

in case you happen to use fzf you could use:

  • :Lines in all open files
  • :BLines only in open buffer
  • :Rg [pattern] using ripgrep

Some hackish dirty way to do this:

:w (save)
ggdG (deletes everything)
:.!grep something % (replace current line with grep output)