Set Additional Data to highcharts series



 tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
return '<b>'+ +'</b><br/>'+
Highcharts.dateFormat('%b %e', this.x) +': '+ this.y;

在这里,我们只能对级数使用 Series. name、 this. x & this. y。让我们说,我需要传递另一个动态值单独与数据集,可以访问通过系列对象。这可能吗?


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new Highcharts.Chart( {
series: [ {
name: 'Foo',
data: [
y : 3,
myData : 'firstPoint'
y : 7,
myData : 'secondPoint'
y : 1,
myData : 'thirdPoint'
} ]
} );

在您的工具提示中,您可以通过传入的对象的“ point”属性访问它:

tooltip: {
formatter: function() {
return 'Extra data: <b>' + this.point.myData + '</b>';


此外,有了这个解决方案,您甚至可以 你想放多少数据就放多少:

tooltip: {
formatter: function () {
return 'Extra data: <b>' + this.point.myData + '</b><br> Another Data: <b>' + this.point.myOtherData + '</b>';

series: [{
name: 'Foo',
data: [{
y: 3,
myData: 'firstPoint',
myOtherData: 'Other first data'
}, {
y: 7,
myData: 'secondPoint',
myOtherData: 'Other second data'
}, {
y: 1,
myData: 'thirdPoint',
myOtherData: 'Other third data'



我希望为每个类别4的数据系列,并希望为每个数据系列显示额外的信息(图像,问题,干扰因素和预期的答案) :



// Then convert the data into data series:

"name"=>"Distractor #1",
"stack"=>"Distractor #1"
"name"=>"Distractor #2",
"stack"=>"Distractor #2"
"name"=>"Distractor #3",
"stack"=>"Distractor #3"
"name"=>"Distractor #4",
"stack"=>"Distractor #4"

In the highcharts section:

var mydata=<? echo json_encode($mydata)?>;

// Tooltip section
tooltip: {
useHTML: true,
formatter: function() {

return 'Question ID: <b>'+ this.x +'</b><br/>'+
'Question: <b>'+ this.point.ques +'</b><br/>'+'<br> Total attempts: '+ this.y +'<br/>'+
"<img src=\"images/"+ this.point.img +"\" width=\"100px\" height=\"50px\"/><br>"+
'Distractor: <b>'+ this.point.distractor +'</b><br/>'+
'Expected answer: <b>'+ this.point.answer +'</b><br/>';

// Series section of the highcharts
series: mydata
// For the category section, just prepare an array of elements and assign to the category variable as the way I did it on series.


I am using AJAX to get my data from SQL Server, then I prepare a js array that is used as the data in my chart. 一旦 AJAX 成功,JavaScript 代码:

success: function (data) {
var fseries = [];
var series = [];
for (var arr in data) {
for (var i in data[arr]['data'] ){
var d = data[arr]['data'][i];
//if (i < 5) alert("d.method = " + d.method);
var serie = {x:Date.parse(d.Value), y:d.Item, method:d.method };
fseries.push({name: data[arr]['name'], data: series, location: data[arr]['location']});
series = [];


tooltip: {
xDateFormat: '%m/%d/%y',
headerFormat: '<b>{}</b><br>',
pointFormat: 'Method: {point.method}<br>Date: {point.x:%m/%d/%y } <br>Reading: {point.y:,.2f}',
shared: false,

我使用一个 DataRow 来遍历我的结果集,然后我使用一个类来分配值,然后再以 Json 格式返回。下面是 Ajax 调用的控制器操作中的 C # 代码。

public JsonResult ChartData(string dataSource, string locationType, string[] locations, string[] methods, string fromDate, string toDate, string[] lstParams)
List<Dictionary<string, object>> dataResult = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
Dictionary<string, object> aSeries = new Dictionary<string, object>();
string currParam = string.Empty;

lstParams = (lstParams == null) ? new string[1] : lstParams;
foreach (DataRow dr in GetChartData(dataSource, locationType, locations, methods, fromDate, toDate, lstParams).Rows)
if (currParam != dr[1].ToString())
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currParam))       //A new Standard Parameter is read and add to dataResult. Skips first record.
Dictionary<string, object> bSeries = new Dictionary<string, object>(aSeries); //Required else when clearing out aSeries, dataResult values are also cleared
currParam = dr[1].ToString();
aSeries["name"] = cParam;
aSeries["data"] = new List<ChartDataModel>();
aSeries["location"] = dr[0].ToString();

ChartDataModel lst = new ChartDataModel();
lst.Value = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[3]).ToShortDateString();
lst.Item = Convert.ToDouble(dr[2]);
lst.method = dr[4].ToString();
var result = Json(dataResult.ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);  //used to debug final dataResult before returning to AJAX call.
return result;

我意识到在 C # 中有一种更有效和可接受的编码方式,但是我继承了这个项目。

For time series data, especially with enough data points to activate the 涡轮增压门槛, the proposed solutions above will not work. In the case of the turbo threshold, this is because Highcarts expects the data points to be an array like:

series: [{
name: 'Numbers over the course of time',
data: [
[1515059819853, 1],
[1515059838069, 2],
[1515059838080, 3],
// you get the idea

为了不失去 Turbo 阈值(在处理大量数据点时非常重要)的好处,我将数据存储在图表之外,并在工具提示 formatter函数中查找数据点。这里有一个例子:

const chartData = [
{ timestamp: 1515059819853, value: 1, somethingElse: 'foo'},
{ timestamp: 1515059838069, value: 2, somethingElse: 'bar'},
{ timestamp: 1515059838080, value: 3, somethingElse: 'baz'},
// you get the idea

const Chart = Highcharts.stockChart(myChart, {
// ...options
tooltip: {
formatter () {
// this.point.x is the timestamp in my original chartData array
const pointData = chartData.find(row => row.timestamp === this.point.x)
series: [{
name: 'Numbers over the course of time',
// restructure the data as an array as Highcharts expects it
// array index 0 is the x value, index 1 is the y value in the chart
data: => [row.timestamp, row.value])
