


我在网上看到了一些散布在各处的函数,但它们都是用 C + + 编写的。 我需要用 Javascript。


53365 次浏览

To get the distribution you want, I think you can use this formula:

var value = Math.floor(-900 + 1000*Math.exp(i/10.857255959));

Here's a self-contained page that will print the values you'll get for your 0-100 slider, having passed them through that formula:

for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
var value = Math.floor(-900 + 1000*Math.exp(i/10.857255959));
document.write(value + "<br>");

The numbers go from 100 to 10,000,000 in what looks to my mathematically-rusty eye to be the distribution you want. 8-)

You can use a function like this:

function logslider(position) {
// position will be between 0 and 100
var minp = 0;
var maxp = 100;

// The result should be between 100 an 10000000
var minv = Math.log(100);
var maxv = Math.log(10000000);

// calculate adjustment factor
var scale = (maxv-minv) / (maxp-minp);

return Math.exp(minv + scale*(position-minp));

The resulting values match a logarithmic scale:

js> logslider(0);
js> logslider(10);
js> logslider(20);
js> logslider(40);
js> logslider(60);
js> logslider(100);

The reverse function would, with the same definitions for minp, maxp, minv, maxv and scale, calculate a slider position from a value like this:

function logposition(value) {
// set minv, ... like above
// ...
return (Math.log(value)-minv) / scale + minp;

All together, wrapped in a class and as a functional code snippet, it would look like this:

// Generic class:

function LogSlider(options) {
options = options || {};
this.minpos = options.minpos || 0;
this.maxpos = options.maxpos || 100;
this.minlval = Math.log(options.minval || 1);
this.maxlval = Math.log(options.maxval || 100000);

this.scale = (this.maxlval - this.minlval) / (this.maxpos - this.minpos);

LogSlider.prototype = {
// Calculate value from a slider position
value: function(position) {
return Math.exp((position - this.minpos) * this.scale + this.minlval);
// Calculate slider position from a value
position: function(value) {
return this.minpos + (Math.log(value) - this.minlval) / this.scale;

// Usage:

var logsl = new LogSlider({maxpos: 20, minval: 100, maxval: 10000000});

$('#slider').on('change', function() {
var val = logsl.value(+$(this).val());

$('#value').on('keyup', function() {
var pos = logsl.position(+$(this).val());

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

Input value or use slider:
<input id="value" />
<input id="slider" type="range" min="0" max="20" />

Not quite answering the question, but for people interested, the reverse maping the last line is

return (Math.log(value)-minv)/scale + min;

just to document.

NOTE the value must be > 0.

I was searching for Logarithmic slider For Angular but can't find any and then I came across this answer ,

And I have created that for Angular 2+ (Demo is in Angular 6) : WORKING DEMO

Thanks to @sth, for snippet :

function LogSlider(options) {
options = options || {};
this.minpos = options.minpos || 0;
this.maxpos = options.maxpos || 100;
this.minlval = Math.log(options.minval || 1);
this.maxlval = Math.log(options.maxval || 100000);

this.scale = (this.maxlval - this.minlval) / (this.maxpos - this.minpos);

LogSlider.prototype = {
// Calculate value from a slider position
value: function(position) {
return Math.exp((position - this.minpos) * this.scale + this.minlval);
// Calculate slider position from a value
position: function(value) {
return this.minpos + (Math.log(value) - this.minlval) / this.scale;

The problem with a true Logarithmic slider is at the low end, multiple points on the slider will likely result in duplicate values.

From purely UI perspective, it also doesn't provide a very intuitive output for the users input.

I think a better option is to use an even-distribution "stepped" transform.

enter image description here

In other words, we specify a series of increments we want to use (ex: 1, 10, 100, 1000). Then we split the slider into equal parts based on the number of increments we defined. When we are sliding through our different sections, the slider output will increment by the respective increment.



In the above example, we define our min, max & intervals array.

intervals={[1, 2, 5, 10, 100, 1000]}

We then must find the number of discrete values our slider must have so that it properly goes from min to max based on our defined interval distributions.

let sliderPoints = Math.ceil(
(max - min) /
intervals.reduce((total, interval) => total + interval / intervals.length, 0)

In this case 535.

Note: Your slider points should not exceed the number of pixels in the slider

Finally, we just transform our output using the algorithm described above. The code example also does some work so the output is always round for the the current step interval.

POW() function

Here's a slightly different take with a pow() function. This allows setting a "skew" curve that governs the distribution of the input <-> output curve. Another refactored version allows setting the slider from logarithmic (exponential) input.

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#test').change(function() {
this.value = parseFloat(this.value).toFixed(2);
widthSliderCurve = this.value;

var widthSliderCurve = 0.42; // between -1 and 1 - governs the way the range is skewed

widthSlider.oninput = function() {
var thisSlider = document.getElementById("widthSlider");

var curve = Math.pow(10, widthSliderCurve); // convert linear scale into lograthimic exponent for other pow function
var originalMin = 1.0; // these are set in the slider defintion in HTML make sure they match!
var originalMax = 200.0; // these are set in the slider defintion in HTML
var mappedOutputMin = 0.05; // this is the desired output min
var mappedOutputMax = 10; // this is the desired output max
var originalRange = originalMax - originalMin;
var newRange = mappedOutputMax - mappedOutputMin;

var zeroRefCurVal = thisSlider.value - originalMin; // zero referenced
var normalizedCurVal = zeroRefCurVal / originalRange; // normalized to 0-1 output
var rangedValue = ((Math.pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * newRange) + mappedOutputMin).toFixed(2);

var outbox = document.getElementById("wSliderOutput");
outbox.innerHTML = rangedValue;
//paper.tool.LineWidth = rangedValue;

let setLogSlider = function(value, widthSliderCurve, sliderType, outputName) {
/*** make sure constants match the oninput function values ***/
var curve = Math.pow(10, widthSliderCurve);
var originalMin = 1.0; // these are set in the slider defintion in HTML make sure they match!
var originalMax = 200.0; // these are set in the slider defintion in HTML
var mappedOutputMin = 0.05; // this is the desired output min
var mappedOutputMax = 10; // this is the desired output max
var originalRange = originalMax - originalMin;
var newRange = mappedOutputMax - mappedOutputMin;
var logToLinear = Math.pow((value - mappedOutputMin) / newRange, 1 / curve) * originalRange + originalMin;
console.log("logToLinear ", logToLinear);
// set the output box
var outbox = document.getElementById("wSliderOutput");
outbox.innerHTML = Number(value).toFixed(2);
// set the linear scale on the slider
document.querySelectorAll(".optionSliders").forEach((optSlider) => {
if (optSlider.getAttribute("data-slider-type") == sliderType) {
optSlider.value = logToLinear;
var outBox = document.getElementById(outputName);
outBox.value = value;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

<title>Pow function for variable skew of data mapping</title>

Enter a float between -1.0 and 1.0, hit return, and cycle the slider.</br>

<input id="test" type="text" value="0.5" />

<input id="widthSlider" sliderName="widthSlider" type="range" min="1" value="20" max="200" data-slider-type="linesWidth">
<label for="widthSlider">L Width <span id="Width">
<output id="wSliderOutput"></output>


var widthSliderCurve = 0.42; // between -1 and 1 - governs the way the range is skewed

widthSlider.oninput = function () { var thisSlider = document.getElementById("widthSlider");

  var curve = Math.pow(10, widthSliderCurve); // convert linear scale into lograthimic exponent for other pow function
var originalMin = 1.0;     // these are set in the slider defintion in HTML make sure they match!
var originalMax = 200.0;   // these are set in the slider defintion in HTML
var mappedOutputMin = 0.05; // this is the desired output min
var mappedOutputMax = 10;  // this is the desired output max
var originalRange = originalMax - originalMin;
var newRange = mappedOutputMax - mappedOutputMin;

var zeroRefCurVal = thisSlider.value - originalMin;      // zero referenced
var normalizedCurVal  =  zeroRefCurVal / originalRange;  // normalized to 0-1 output
var rangedValue =  ((Math.pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * newRange) + mappedOutputMin).toFixed(2);

var outbox = document.getElementById("wSliderOutput");
outbox.innerHTML = rangedValue;
paper.tool.LineWidth = rangedValue;



//setLogSlider(rangedValue, widthSliderCurve, "L_Width", "wSliderOutput2");

};let setLogSlider = function (value, widthSliderCurve, sliderType, outputName){ /*** make sure constants match the oninput function values ***/ var curve = Math.pow(10, widthSliderCurve); var originalMin = 1.0; // these are set in the slider defintion in HTML make sure they match! var originalMax = 200.0; // these are set in the slider defintion in HTML var mappedOutputMin = 0.05; // this is the desired output min var mappedOutputMax = 10; // this is the desired output max var originalRange = originalMax - originalMin; var newRange = mappedOutputMax - mappedOutputMin; var logToLinear = Math.pow((value - mappedOutputMin) / newRange, 1 / curve) * originalRange + originalMin; console.log("logToLinear ", logToLinear); // set the output box var outbox = document.getElementById("wSliderOutput"); outbox.innerHTML = Number(value).toFixed(2); // set the linear scale on the slider document.querySelectorAll(".optionSliders").forEach((optSlider) => { if (optSlider.getAttribute("data-slider-type") == sliderType) { optSlider.value = logToLinear; } var outBox = document.getElementById(outputName); outBox.value = value; }); };

var widthSliderCurve = 0.42; // between -1 and 1 - governs the way the range is skewed

widthSlider.oninput = function () { var thisSlider = document.getElementById("widthSlider");

  var curve = Math.pow(10, widthSliderCurve); // convert linear scale into lograthimic exponent for other pow function
var originalMin = 1.0;     // these are set in the slider defintion in HTML make sure they match!
var originalMax = 200.0;   // these are set in the slider defintion in HTML
var mappedOutputMin = 0.05; // this is the desired output min
var mappedOutputMax = 10;  // this is the desired output max
var originalRange = originalMax - originalMin;
var newRange = mappedOutputMax - mappedOutputMin;

var zeroRefCurVal = thisSlider.value - originalMin;      // zero referenced
var normalizedCurVal  =  zeroRefCurVal / originalRange;  // normalized to 0-1 output
var rangedValue =  ((Math.pow(normalizedCurVal, curve) * newRange) + mappedOutputMin).toFixed(2);

var outbox = document.getElementById("wSliderOutput");
outbox.innerHTML = rangedValue;
paper.tool.LineWidth = rangedValue;
