< p >编辑:
在网上闲逛了一会儿,做了一些实验后,看起来人们设置了构造函数,使它看起来像用“new”构造的东西。我想我要说的问题是javascript是一种原型语言——不存在所谓的继承。但大多数程序员的编程背景都将继承作为一种“方式”。所以我们想出了各种各样的办法,试图把这种原型语言变成一种“经典”语言。比如扩展“类”。实际上,在他们给出的例子中,一个新学生是一个人——它不是从另一个学生“延伸”出来的。学生的一切都是关于人的,无论人是什么,学生也是。扩展学生,无论您扩展的是什么,本质上都是学生,但都是根据您的需要定制的。< / p >
// define the Person Class
function Person(name) {
this.name = name;
Person.prototype.copy = function() {
// return new Person(this.name); // just as bad
return new this.constructor(this.name);
// define the Student class
function Student(name) {
Person.call(this, name);
// inherit Person
Student.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);
var student1 = new Student("trinth");
console.log(student1.copy() instanceof Student); // => false
function CarFactory(name){
CarFactory.prototype.CreateNewCar = function(){
return new this.constructor("New Car "+ this.name);
return 'Car Factory ' + this.name;
AudiFactory.prototype = new CarFactory(); // Here's where the inheritance occurs
AudiFactory.prototype.constructor=AudiFactory; // Otherwise instances of Audi would have a constructor of Car
function AudiFactory(name){
return 'Audi Factory ' + this.name;
var myAudiFactory = new AudiFactory('');
alert('Hay your new ' + myAudiFactory + ' is ready.. Start Producing new audi cars !!! ');
var newCar = myAudiFactory.CreateNewCar(); // calls a method inherited from CarFactory
Without resetting prototype constructor back to instance, new cars will not come from New Audi factory, Instead it will come from car factory ( base class ).. Dont we want our new car from Audi factory ????
//Constructor Function
var Person = function(name, age) {
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
//Prototype Object - shared between all instances of Person
Person.prototype = {
species: 'human',
// instantiate using the 'new' keyword
var adam = new Person('Adam', 19);
function Person (name, age) {
// This additional line is automatically added by the keyword 'new'
// it sets up the relationship between the instance and the prototype object
// So that the instance will delegate to the Prototype object
this = Object.create(Person.prototype);
this.name = name;
this.age = age;
return this;
/* So 'adam' will be an object that looks like this:
* {
* name: 'Adam',
* age: 19
* }
var Student = function(name, age, school) {
// Calls the 'super' class, as every student is an instance of a Person
Person.call(this, name, age);
// This is what makes the Student instances different
this.school = school
var eve = new Student('Eve', 20, 'UCSF');
console.log(Student.prototype); // this will be an empty object: {}
/* This sets up the prototypal delegation correctly
*so that if a lookup fails on Student.prototype, it would delegate to Person's .prototype
*This also allows us to add more things to Student.prototype
*that Person.prototype may not have
*So now a failed lookup on an instance of Student
*will first look at Student.prototype,
*and failing that, go to Person.prototype (and failing /that/, where do we think it'll go?)
Student.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype);
// Now we fix what the .constructor property is pointing to
Student.prototype.constructor = Student
// If we check instanceof here
console.log(eve instanceof Person) // true
const Person = {
name: '[Person.name]',
greeting: function() {
console.log( `My name is ${ this.name || '[Name not assigned]' }` );
// Person.greeting = function() {...} // or define outside the obj if you must
// Object.create version
const john = Object.create( Person );
john.name = 'John';
console.log( john.name ); // John
john.greeting(); // My name is John
// Define new greeting method
john.greeting = function() {
console.log( `Hi, my name is ${ this.name }` )
john.greeting(); // Hi, my name is John
// Object.assign version
const jane = Object.assign( Person, { name: 'Jane' } );
console.log( jane.name ); // Jane
// Original greeting
jane.greeting(); // My name is Jane
// Original Person obj is unaffected
console.log( Person.name ); // [Person.name]
console.log( Person.greeting() ); // My name is [Person.name]
function Person(){
this.name = 'test';
console.log(Person.prototype.constructor) // function Person(){...}
Person.prototype = { //constructor in this case is Object
sayName: function(){
return this.name;
var person = new Person();
console.log(person instanceof Person); //true
console.log(person.sayName()); //test
console.log(Person.prototype.constructor) // function Object(){...}