我可以重写 c # 中的属性吗? 怎么做?


abstract class Base
public int x
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }


class Derived : Base
public int x
get { //Actual Implementaion }

当我编译的时候,我得到一个警告,说派生类的 x定义将隐藏 Base 的版本。是否可以在类似 c # 的方法中重写属性?

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You need to use virtual keyword

abstract class Base
// use virtual keyword
public virtual int x
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

or define an abstract property:

abstract class Base
// use abstract keyword
public abstract int x { get; }

and use override keyword when in the child:

abstract class Derived : Base
// use override keyword
public override int x { get { ... } }

If you're NOT going to override, you can use new keyword on the method to hide the parent's definition.

abstract class Derived : Base
// use new keyword
public new int x { get { ... } }

Make the base property abstract and override or use the new keyword in the derived class.

abstract class Base
public abstract int x { get; }

class Derived : Base
public override int x
get { //Actual Implementaion }


abstract class Base
public int x { get; }

class Derived : Base
public new int x
get { //Actual Implementaion }

Change property signature as shown below:

Base class

public virtual int x
{ get { /* throw here*/ } }

Derived class

public override int x
{ get { /*overriden logic*/ } }

If you do not need any implementation in Base class just use abstract property.


public abstract int x { get; }


public override int x { ... }

I would suggest you using abstract property rather than trhowing NotImplemented exception in getter, abstact modifier will force all derived classes to implement this property so you'll end up with compile-time safe solution.

abstract class Base

public virtual int x
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }


abstract class Base
// use abstract keyword
public abstract int x

In both case you have to write in the derived class

public override int x
get { your code here... }

difference between the two is that with abstract you force the derived class to implement something, and with virtaul you can provide a default behavior that the deriver can use as is, or change.

abstract class Base
// use abstract keyword
public virtual int x
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }