Linux 下的 MbUnit,在 F # 项目中使用?

我试图在伽利略用户列表上问这个问题,但是问题没有出现(谷歌群组说这篇文章是成功的)。我想这个列表可能是由一个不经常阅读他的电子邮件的人主持的: ——鉴于 SO 同时有 Gallio 和 MbUnit 的标签,我认为这里值得一问。

我看到 MbUnit的首页提到他们热衷于维护 Mono 兼容性。还有一个 > 1年的 Gallio 用户的旧帖子说它不能在 Linux 下工作

如果删除 Parallelizable属性,我想测试的项目在 Mono 下编译得很好。我可以在 Linux 下启动 Gallio控制面板,但不能启动 Icarus 或 Echo。

有没有办法在 Linux 下运行 MbUnit测试?使用命令行(如 Gallio.Echo)并且不需要 Monoddevelope 的内容将会特别有帮助。

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A couple of thoughts here since there isn't much online and this project is on hiatus apparently with likely no support for Mono compatibility coming anytime soon.

1) Not sure what version or build you have of Gallio, but you may try the Gallio bundle nuget from here and see if you get different results with this version: See this post:

2) Make sure your tests are compiled with the same version of MbUnit as was distributed with Gallio, as discussed here:

3) If you try running in VS in a VM, doublecheck to make sure you have a Class Library project with references to both Gallio.dll and MbUnit.dll as mentioned here in "ASP.NET MVC 4 in Action":