The notion of multi-module projects is there to service the needs of codependent segments of a project. Such a client depends on the services which in turn depends on say EJBs or data-access routines. You could group your continuous integration (CI) tests in this manner. I would rationalize that by saying that the CI tests need to be in lock-step with application logic changes.
Suppose your project is structured as:
+ --- ci
+ --- client
+ --- server
This will result in Maven skipping tests in this module except when the profile named CI is active.
Your CI server must be instructed to execute mvn clean package -P CI. The Maven web site has an in-depth explanation of the profiling mechanism.
Be careful in bash the character ! is a special character, so you either have to single quote it (like I did) or escape it with the backslash character.
The syntax to exclude multiple module is the same as the inclusion