可以在 Oracle 中使用 Microsoft 实体框架吗?

是否可以将 Microsoft 实体框架与 Oracle 数据库一起使用?

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DevArt's OraDirect provider now supports entity framework. See http://devart.com/news/2008/directs475.html

Oracle have announced a "statement of direction" for ODP.net and the Entity Framework:

In summary, ODP.Net beta around the end of 2010, production sometime in 2011.

The answer is "mostly".

We've hit a problem using it where the EF generates code that uses the CROSS and OUTER APPLY operators. This link shows that MS knows its a problem with SQL Server previous to 2005 however, they forget to mention that these operators are not supported by Oracle either.


Oracle now fully supports the Entity Framework. Oracle Data Provider for .NET Release (ODAC 11.2) Release Notes: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E20434_01/doc/win.112/e23174/whatsnew.htm#BGGJIEIC

More documentation on Linq to Entities and ADO.NET Entity Framework: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E20434_01/doc/win.112/e23174/featLINQ.htm#CJACEDJG

Note: ODP.NET also supports Entity SQL.

In case you don't know it already, Oracle has released ODP.NET which supports Entity Framework. It doesn't support code first yet though.
