如何将 Linux 可执行文件添加到.gitignore?

如何将 Linux 可执行文件添加到 .gitignore,而不给它们一个明确的扩展名,也不将它们放在特定的目录或 /bin目录中?大多数命名与编译它们时没有使用 .c扩展名的 C文件相同。

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I would explicitly put them in the project .gitignore. It's not elegant, but I imagine your project doesn't have that many of them.

A way of generating differences against your .gitignore in one go from all the executable files from current dir:

find . -perm /111 -type f | sed 's#^./##' | sort | diff -u .gitignore -

this generates a diff meaning you don't lose any manual changes to the file. This assumes your .gitignore file is already sorted. The sed part just strips the leading ./ that find generates.

There's no automatic way to ignore only executable files, so you're always going to have to man-manage the file.

Can you ignore all, but source code files?

For example:


I wrote a script to automatically add ELF executables to .gitignore.


set -eu
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
if [ -e "$file" ]; then
cat "$file"
find . -name .git -prune -o -type f ! -name '*.o' ! -name '*.so' \
-print0 | xargs -0 file | grep ': *ELF ' | sed 's/:.*//' |
sed 's,^./,,'
) | perl -ne 'print if !$already{$_}++' >"$new"
mv "$new" "$file"


  • starts looking from the top-level folder (might be a misfeature!)
  • ignores ELF files, excluding .o and .so files which can be ignored with a generic rule
  • preserves existing entries in .gitignore without duplicating them

This single-script version is here: http://sam.nipl.net/b/git-ignore-elf-1

Here is a more modular version, which depends on other scripts (git-root, find-elf, uniqo) from the same place: http://sam.nipl.net/b/git-ignore-elf

Most developers usually have a build directory in their project where the actual build process in run. So, all executables, .o, .so, .a, etc. are there and this build directory is added into the .gitignore.

I too was trying to figure out this very question several times. Wanna share a solution that stuck for long. Though I am writing this from the Go perspective, but otherwise I believe this is generally applicable.

First, the observation is that there are much fewer executables (and/or binary) files in typical project, then everything else. Also, worth noting, that the approach to instead explicitly mark source files "to not ignore", and ignore everything else, doesn't work well, because we want our comments and text files, e.g., be git'ed too.

So the solution was to make a convention that executables have .e suffix, and .gitignore has *.e in it.

It is simple, and works well.

If you happen to have a "project" with quite a lot of executables, for instance, a study project where have a lot of small exercises that result get compiled, you can use this single-liner to update your .gitignore:

for f in $(find . -perm /111 -type f | grep -v '.git' | sed 's#^./##' | sort -u); do grep -q "$f" .gitignore || echo "$f" >> .gitignore ; done

I don't know, you can add a rule or two, in the Makefile; something like:

$(CC) -ggdb -o $@ $^
@grep $@ .gitignore > tmp || true
@[ -s tmp ] || echo $@ >> .gitignore; rm tmp

which will append the executable to the .gitignore if it's not already there.

ignore all c, c++ executable files save this in .gitignore file this will ignore all files without file extension cause generally there is no file extension of c/c++ executables in linux


All untracked and unignored files or repositories:

git ls-files --others --exclude-standard

Executable files:

find -type f -executable

add any untracked unignored files that are also executable to .gitignore:

git ls-files -z --exclude-standard --others \
| find -files0-from /dev/stdin -type f -executable > new.$$
[ -s new.$$ ] && ( cat new.$$ >>.gitignore; rm new.$$; git add .gitignore )

or really, just try not to make such a ridiculous mess. Put executables in a bin/ and be done with it.