load the address of x // The stack now contains address of x
call A() // The stack contains address of x and result of A()
call B() // Address of x, result of A(), result of B()
add // Address of x, result of A() + B()
call C() // Address of x, result of A() + B(), result of C()
add // Address of x, result of A() + B() + C()
load 10 // Address of x, result of A() + B() + C(), 10
add // Address of x, result of A() + B() + C() + 10
store in address // The result is now stored in x, and the stack is empty.
Allocate temporary store T1 for result of A()
Call A() with the address of T1
Allocate temporary store T2 for result of B()
Call B() with the address of T2
Allocate temporary store T3 for the result of the first addition
Add contents of T1 to T2, then store the result into the address of T3
Allocate temporary store T4 for the result of C()
Call C() with the address of T4
Allocate temporary store T5 for result of the second addition