def truncate(f, n):
'''Truncates/pads a float f to n decimal places without rounding'''
s = '{}'.format(f)
if 'e' in s or 'E' in s:
return '{0:.{1}f}'.format(f, n)
i, p, d = s.partition('.')
return '.'.join([i, (d+'0'*n)[:n]])
def truncate(f, n):
'''Truncates/pads a float f to n decimal places without rounding'''
s = '%.12f' % f
i, p, d = s.partition('.')
return '.'.join([i, (d+'0'*n)[:n]])
def trunc_introspect(f, n):
'''Truncates/pads the float f to n decimal places by looking at the caller's source code'''
current_frame = None
caller_frame = None
s = inspect.stack()
current_frame = s[0]
caller_frame = s[1]
gen = tokenize.tokenize(io.BytesIO(caller_frame[4][caller_frame[5]].encode('utf-8')).readline)
for token_type, token_string, _, _, _ in gen:
if token_type == tokenize.NAME and token_string == current_frame[3]:
next(gen) # left parenthesis
token_type, token_string, _, _, _ = next(gen) # float literal
if token_type == tokenize.NUMBER:
cut_point = token_string.index('.') + n + 1
except ValueError: # no decimal in string
return token_string + '.' + '0' * n
if len(token_string) < cut_point:
token_string += '0' * (cut_point - len(token_string))
return token_string[:cut_point]
raise ValueError('Unable to find floating-point literal (this probably means you called {} with a variable)'.format(current_frame[3]))
del s, current_frame, caller_frame
from math import trunc
def truncate(number, decimals=0):
if decimals < 0:
raise ValueError('truncate received an invalid value of decimals ({})'.format(decimals))
elif decimals == 0:
return trunc(number)
factor = float(10**decimals)
return trunc(number*factor)/factor
from decimal import Decimal, localcontext, ROUND_DOWN
def truncate(number, places):
if not isinstance(places, int):
raise ValueError("Decimal places must be an integer.")
if places < 1:
raise ValueError("Decimal places must be at least 1.")
# If you want to truncate to 0 decimal places, just do int(number).
with localcontext() as context:
context.rounding = ROUND_DOWN
exponent = Decimal(str(10 ** - places))
return Decimal(str(number)).quantize(exponent).to_eng_string()
def truncate_float(number, length):
"""Truncate float numbers, up to the number specified
in length that must be an integer"""
number = number * pow(10, length)
number = int(number)
number = float(number)
number /= pow(10, length)
return number
def precision(value, precision):
param: value: takes a float
param: precision: int, number of decimal places
returns a float
x = 10.0**precision
num = int(value * x)/ x
return num
precision(1.923328437452, 3)
>>> nout = 3 # desired number of digits in output
>>> [f'{x:.{nout+1}f}'[:-1] for x in [2/3, 4/5, 8/9, 9/8, 5/4, 3/2]]
['0.666', '0.800', '0.888', '1.125', '1.250', '1.500']
>>> nacc = 6 # desired accuracy (maximum 15!)
>>> nout = 3 # desired number of digits in output
>>> [f'{x:.{nacc}f}'[:-(nacc-nout)] for x in [2.9999, 2.99999, 2.999999, 2.9999999]]
>>> ['2.999', '2.999', '2.999', '3.000']
额外奖励: 去掉右边的零
>>> nout = 3 # desired number of digits in output
>>> [f'{x:.{nout+1}f}'[:-1].rstrip('0') for x in [2/3, 4/5, 8/9, 9/8, 5/4, 3/2]]
['0.666', '0.8', '0.888', '1.125', '1.25', '1.5']
def truncate(number, n_digits:int=1)->float:
:param number: real number ℝ
:param n_digits: Maximum number of digits after the decimal point after truncation
:return: truncated floating point number with at least one digit after decimal point
decimalIndex = str(number).find('.')
if decimalIndex == -1:
return float(number)
return float(str(number)[:decimalIndex+n_digits+1])