Of course I'd test it first without deleting before I do that command. Also, here's a modded version from the comments that includes folders with spaces:
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%d in (`"dir /ad/b/s | sort /R"`) do rd "%%d"
P.S. there are more comments in the blog post that might help you out so be sure to read those too before you try this out
A simpler way is to do xcopy to make a copy of the entire directory structure using /s switch. help for /s says Copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones.
xcopy dirA dirB /S
where dirA is source with Empty folders. DirB will be the copy without empty folders
You can use the ROBOCOPY command. It is very simple and can also be used to delete empty folders inside large hierarchy.
ROBOCOPY folder1 folder1 /S /MOVE
Here both source and destination are folder1, as you only need to delete empty folders, instead of moving other(required) files to different folder. /S option is to skip copying(moving - in the above case) empty folders. It is also faster as the files are moved inside the same drive.
This is a hybird of the above. It removes ALL files older than X days and removes any empty folders for the given path. To use simply set the days, folderpath and drive
@echo off
set days=30
set folderpath=E:\TEST\
set drive=E:
::Delete files
forfiles -p %folderpath% -s -d -%days% -c "cmd /c del /q @path "
::Delete folders
cd %folderpath%
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%d in (`"dir /ad/b/s | sort /R"`) do rd "%%d"`
from the command line:
for /R /D %1 in (*) do rd "%1"
in a batch file
for /R /D %%1 in (*) do rd "%%1"
I don't know if it's documented as such, but it works in W2K, XP, and Win 7. And I don't know if it will always work, but it won't ever delete files by accident.
@echo off
set ipad="%ipa%"
IF not EXIST %ipad% GOTO notfound
IF EXIST %ipad% GOTO found
md ccooppyy
xcopy %ipad%\*.* ccooppyy /s > NUL
rd %ipad% /s /q
ren ccooppyy %ipad%
pause > NUL
It will be worked fine. This is best way to delete old files and remove empty directories recursively.
following .bat file is,
forfiles /p [PATH] /s /m [FILE-PATTERN] /d -[DAYS] /c "cmd /c del @path"
for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir [PATH] /s /b /ad ^| sort /r') do rd "%%d"
The placeholders needs to be replaced as follows (without the quotation marks):
[DAYS] = Max. age of the files in days, e.g. “10”
[PATH] = Path to search for old files and empty folders, e.g. “C:\Backup\”
[FILE-PATTERN] = Pattern that matches files to delete, e.g. “*.bkp”
The script has been successfully tested under Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003.
If you want to use Varun's ROBOCOPY command line in the Explorer context menu (i.e. right-click) here is a Windows registry import. I tried adding this as a comment to his answer, but the inline markup wasn't feasible.
I've tested this on my own Windows 10 PC, but use at your own risk. It will open a new command prompt, run the command, and pause so you can see the output.
:: This is a .cmd file
:: Use to:
:: Writes a Log about Temporary files & folders.
:: Cleans 'Windows Temp' folders/files. (%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp -&- %windir%\Temp)
:: - a 'Cleaning_LOGs.txt' will be created or updated in Documents Library. (%userprofile%\Documents\Cleaning_LOGs.txt)
@echo off
title Log&CleanTemp
: Set the Path of 'Log file' (%LogPath% variable)
set "LogPath=%userprofile%\Documents\Cleaning_LOGs.txt"
:: Note: ">> path\file.txt 2>&1" redirects cmd output to <path\to>\<log_file.txt>, (will be created if does not exist)
:: (if exist, adds the new log at the end of the file, without deleting previous logs)
: Set 'C:\Windows\Temp' (%WinTemp% var.)
set "WinTemp=%windir%\Temp"
: Seperator [Header] with Date-Time between (any) previous Logs in <log_file.txt>
echo: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
echo ======================================== >> %LogPath% 2>&1
echo %date% - %time% >> %LogPath% 2>&1
echo: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
echo Log Path: %LogPath% (this text file) >> %LogPath% 2>&1
echo: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
: Report Output & Log
:: Writes a log about temporary files & folders.
:: Note: ( %temp% = C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Temp = %userprofile%\AppData\Local\Temp )
:: ( 'WinTemp' = C:\Windows\Temp = %windir%\Temp )
echo: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
echo __________ Empty (0 size) , Old (-1days) files: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
ForFiles /p "%temp%" /s /d -1 /c "cmd /c if @fsize==0 ECHO @path " >> "%LogPath%" 2>&1
ForFiles /p "%WinTemp%" /s /d -1 /c "cmd /c if @fsize==0 ECHO @path " >> "%LogPath%" 2>&1
echo: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
echo __________ All Old (-1days) files: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
ForFiles /p "%temp%" /s /d -1 /c "cmd /c ECHO @path " >> "%LogPath%" 2>&1
ForFiles /p "%WinTemp%" /s /d -1 /c "cmd /c ECHO @path " >> "%LogPath%" 2>&1
:: Note: "ForFiles" /p=Path /s=SubDir /d=Days(dd) /c=cmd "forfiles /?" for info about command's Variables (@path, @file, etc.)
: Get permissions (unlock files/folders) (OPTIONAL)
:: Uncomment to make it work, IF needed.
::echo: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
::ForFiles /p "%temp%" /s /d -1 /c "cmd /c TAKEOWN /f * /r /d y && ICACLS @file /grant *S-1-3-4:F /t /c /l /q"
: Clean proper files & Log it
:: Test: ForFiles /p "%temp%\" /s /d -1 /c "cmd /c if @fsize==0 DEL /f /s /q @file" >> "%LogPath%" 2>&1
:: ERROR: Invalid argument/option - '@fsize==0'
echo: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
echo __________ Deleted files: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
forfiles /p %temp%\ /s /d -1 /c "cmd /c DEL /f /s /q @path" >> "%LogPath%" 2>&1
forfiles /p %WinTemp%\ /s /d -1 /c "cmd /c DEL /f /s /q @path" >> "%LogPath%" 2>&1
echo: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
echo __________ Deleted empty directories: >> %LogPath% 2>&1
for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir %temp%\ /s /b /ad ^| sort /r') do RD "%%d" >> "%LogPath%" 2>&1
for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir %WinTemp%\ /s /b /ad ^| sort /r') do RD "%%d" >> "%LogPath%" 2>&1
:: Note: 'RD' = Remove-Directory (delete)
: Open Log file
:: this opens the log file [(my) Documents\Cleaning_LOGs.txt]
explorer.exe %LogPath%
:: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7831286/how-to-delete-empty-folders-using-windows-command-prompt/46617314#46617314
Note that:
The trigger to Experiment with this, as part of a 'pre-process', was to prevent the specific (obsolete) driver of the (also obsolete) sound card from automatically reinstalling at each boot. And clean (ghosted) hidden Devices and more other. (...) (this note was just about to get an idea for the use)
So, in a few words:
This is the part that cleans up the 'temp' garbage left behind and gives a report.