import numpy as np
def img_as_array(im):
"""OpenCV's native format to a numpy array view"""
w, h, n = im.width, im.height, im.channels
modes = {1: "L", 3: "RGB", 4: "RGBA"}
if n not in modes:
raise Exception('unsupported number of channels: {0}'.format(n))
out = np.asarray(im)
if n != 1:
out = out[:, :, ::-1] # BGR -> RGB conversion
return out
import imageio
import numpy as np
def imload(*a, **k):
i = imageio.imread(*a, **k)
i = i.transpose((1, 0, 2)) # x and y are mixed up for some reason...
i = np.flip(i, 1) # make coordinate system right-handed!!!!!!
return i/255
def imsave(i, url, *a, **k):
# Original order of arguments was counterintuitive. It should
# read verbally "Save the image to the URL" — not "Save to the
# URL the image."
i = np.flip(i, 1)
i = i.transpose((1, 0, 2))
i *= 255
i = i.round()
i = np.maximum(i, 0)
i = np.minimum(i, 255)
i = np.asarray(i, dtype=np.uint8)
imageio.imwrite(url, i, *a, **k)
from keras.preprocessing import image
X_test=image.load_img('four.png',target_size=(28,28),color_mode="grayscale"); #loading image and then convert it into grayscale and with it's target size
X_test=image.img_to_array(X_test); #convert image into array
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
im ='*image_name*') #These two lines
im_arr = np.array(im) #are all you need
plt.imshow(im_arr) #Just to verify that image array has been constructed properly