如何使用 Bootstrap 自动关闭通知

我正在使用 twitter 的 bootstrap CSS 框架(非常棒)。对于给用户的一些消息,我使用警报 Javascript JS 和 CSS 来显示它们。

感兴趣的人可以在这里找到: http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#alerts

我的问题是这样的: 在向用户显示警报之后,我希望它在一段时间之后消失。根据 twitter 的文档和我浏览过的代码,看起来似乎没有这个功能:

  • 我的第一个问题是一个确认请求,这是确实没有烤入引导程序
  • 其次,我怎样才能做到这一点呢?
147182 次浏览

Calling window.setTimeout(function, delay) will allow you to accomplish this. Here's an example that will automatically close the alert 2 seconds (or 2000 milliseconds) after it is displayed.

window.setTimeout(function() { $(".alert-message").alert('close'); }, 2000);

If you want to wrap it in a nifty function you could do this.

function createAutoClosingAlert(selector, delay) {
var alert = $(selector).alert();
window.setTimeout(function() { alert.alert('close') }, delay);

Then you could use it like so...

createAutoClosingAlert(".alert-message", 2000);

I am certain there are more elegant ways to accomplish this.

I could not get it to work with alert.('close') either.

However I am using this and it works a treat! The alert will fade away after 5 seconds, and once gone, the content below it will slide up to its natural position.

window.setTimeout(function() {
$(".alert-message").fadeTo(500, 0).slideUp(500, function(){
}, 5000);

I had this same issue when trying to handle popping alerts and fading them. I searched around various places and found this to be my solution. Adding and removing the 'in' class fixed my issue.

window.setTimeout(function() { // hide alert message

}, 5000);

When using .remove() and similarly the .alert('close') solution I seemed to hit an issue with the alert being removed from the document, so if I wanted to use the same alert div again I was unable to. This solution means the alert is reusable without refreshing the page. (I was using aJax to submit a form and present feedback to the user)

    $('#Some_Button_Or_Event_Here').click(function () { // Show alert message

This is the coffescript version:

setTimeout ->
$(".alert-dismissable").fadeTo(500, 0).slideUp(500, -> $(this.remove()))

Using the 'close' action on the alert does not work for me, because it removes the alert from the DOM and I need the alert multiple times (I'm posting data with ajax and I show a message to the user on every post). So I created this function that create the alert every time I need it and then starts a timer to close the created alert. I pass into the function the id of the container to which I want to append the alert, the type of alert ('success', 'danger', etc.) and the message. Here is my code:

function showAlert(containerId, alertType, message) {
$("#" + containerId).append('<div class="alert alert-' + alertType + '" id="alert' + containerId + '">' + message + '</div>');
$("#alert" + containerId).alert();
window.setTimeout(function () { $("#alert" + containerId).alert('close'); }, 2000);

After going over some of the answers here an in another thread, here's what I ended up with:

I created a function named showAlert() that would dynamically add an alert, with an optional type and closeDealy. So that you can, for example, add an alert of type danger (i.e., Bootstrap's alert-danger) that will close automatically after 5 seconds like so:

showAlert("Warning message", "danger", 5000);

To achieve that, add the following Javascript function:

function showAlert(message, type, closeDelay) {

if ($("#alerts-container").length == 0) {
// alerts-container does not exist, add it
.append( $('<div id="alerts-container" style="position: fixed;
width: 50%; left: 25%; top: 10%;">') );

// default to alert-info; other options include success, warning, danger
type = type || "info";

// create the alert div
var alert = $('<div class="alert alert-' + type + ' fade in">')
$('<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">')

// add the alert div to top of alerts-container, use append() to add to bottom

// if closeDelay was passed - set a timeout to close the alert
if (closeDelay)
window.setTimeout(function() { alert.alert("close") }, closeDelay);

With each of the solutions above I continued to lose re-usability of the alert. My solution was as follows:

On page load


Once the alert needed to be displayed

window.setTimeout(function () {
$("#success-alert").slideUp(500, function () {
}, 5000);

Note that fadeTo sets the opacity to 0, so the display was none and the opacity was 0 which is why I removed from my solution.

I needed a very simple solution to hide something after sometime and managed to get this to work:

In angular you can do this:


Here is the function that i call when the timeout has been reached

 self.hideError = function(){
self.HasError = false;
self.ErrorMessage = '';

So now my dialog/ui can use those properties to hide elements.

With delay and fade :


try this one

$(function () {

setTimeout(function () {
if ($(".alert").is(":visible")){
//you may add animate.css class for fancy fadeout

}, 3000)
