<exact numeric type> ::=
NUMERIC [ <left paren> <precision> [ <comma> <scale> ] <right paren> ]
| DECIMAL [ <left paren> <precision> [ <comma> <scale> ] <right paren> ]
| DEC [ <left paren> <precision> [ <comma> <scale> ] <right paren> ]
21) NUMERIC specifies the data type
exact numeric, with the decimal
precision and scale specified by the
<precision> and <scale>.
22) DECIMAL specifies the data type
exact numeric, with the decimal scale
specified by the <scale> and the
implementation-defined decimal
precision equal to or greater than the
value of the specified <precision>.
-- Initialize a variable, give it a data type and an initial value
declare @myvar as decimal(18,8) or numeric(18,8)----- 9 bytes needed
-- Increse that the vaue by 1
set @myvar = 123456.7
--Retrieve that value
select @myvar as myVariable