在 if 语句中依赖条件评估顺序是否安全?


if my_var and 'something' in my_var:
#do something

问题是,如果 my _ var 为 Nothing,'something' in my_var将抛出 TypeError。


if my_var:
if 'something' in my_var:
#do something


if 'something' in my_var:
#do something
except TypeError:

换句话说,上面哪个是 Python 中的最佳实践(如果有的话) ?


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It's safe to depend on the order of conditionals (Python reference here), specifically because of the problem you point out - it's very useful to be able to short-circuit evaluation that could cause problems in a string of conditionals.

This sort of code pops up in most languages:

IF exists(variable) AND variable.doSomething()
THEN ...

It's perfectly safe and I do it all the time.

I would go with the try/except, but it depends on what you know about the variable.

If you are expecting that the variable will exist most of the time, then a try/except is less operations. If you are expecting the variable to be None most of the time, then an IF statement will be less operations.

Yes it is safe, it's explicitly and very clearly defined in the language reference:

The expression x and y first evaluates x; if x is false, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.

The expression x or y first evaluates x; if x is true, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.

It's not that simple. As a C# dude I am very used to doing something like:

if(x != null && ! string.isnullorempty(x.Name))
//do something

The above works great and is evaluated as expected. However in VB.Net the following would produce a result you were NOT expecting:

If Not x Is Nothing **And** Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Name) Then

'do something

End If

The above will generate an exception. The correct syntax should be

If Not x Is Nothing **AndAlso** Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(x.Name) Then

'do something

End If

Note the very subtle difference. This had me confused for about 10 minutes (way too long) and is why C# (and other) dudes needs to be very careful when coding in other languages.

I may be being a little pedantic here, but I would say the best answer is

if my_var is not None and 'something' in my_var:
#do something

The difference being the explicit check for None, rather than the implicit conversion of my_var to True or False.

While I'm sure in your case the distinction isn't important, in the more general case it would be quite possible for the variable to not be None but still evaluate to False, for example an integer value of 0 or an empty list.

So contrary to most of the other posters' assertions that it's safe, I'd say that it's safe as long as you're explicit. If you're not convinced then consider this very contrived class:

class Contrived(object):
def __contains__(self, s):
return True
def __nonzero__(self):
return False

my_var = Contrived()
if 'something' in my_var:
print "Yes the condition is true"
if my_var and 'something' in my_var:
print "But this statement won't get reached."
if my_var is not None and 'something' in my_var:
print "Whereas this one will."

Yes I know that's not a realistic example, but variations do happen in real code, especially when None is used to indicate a default function argument.