什么时候我应该选择 SAX 而不是 StAX?

与构建像 DOM 解析器这样的树结构的解析器相比,SAX 和 StAX 这样的流 xml 解析器更快,内存效率更高。SAX 是一个 push 解析器,这意味着它是观察者模式的一个实例(也称为侦听器模式)。SAX 是第一个出现的,但随后出现了 StAX ——一个 pull 解析器,这意味着它基本上像迭代器一样工作。

您可以找到为什么在任何地方都喜欢 StAX 而不喜欢 SAX 的原因,但是它通常归结为: “它更容易使用”。

在 JAXP StAX 的 Java 教程中,模糊地将其描述为 DOM 和 SAX 之间的中间部分: “它比 SAX 更容易,比 DOM 更有效”。然而,我从未发现 StAX 比 SAX 更慢或者内存效率更低的任何线索。

所有这些让我想知道: 有没有理由选择 SAX 而不是 StAX?

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To generalize a bit, I think StAX can be as efficient as SAX. With the improved design of StAX I can't really find any situation where SAX parsing would be preferred, unless working with legacy code.

EDIT: According to this blog Java SAX vs. StAX StAXoffer no schema validation.

XML documents are hierarchical documents, where the same element names and namespaces might occur in several places, having different meaning, and in infinitive depth (recursive). As normal, the solution to big problems, is to divide them into small problems. In the context of XML parsing, this means parsing specific parts of XML in methods specific to that XML. For example, one piece of logic would parse an address:

<Street>Odins vei</Street>

i.e. you would have a method

AddressType parseAddress(...); // A


void parseAddress(...); // B

somewhere in your logic, taking XML inputs arguments and returning an object (result of B can be fetched from a field later).

SAX 'pushes' XML events, leaving it up to you to determine where the XML events belong in your program / data.

// method in stock SAX handler
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException
// .. your logic here for start element

In case of an 'Building' start element, you would need to determine that you are actually parsing an Address and then route the XML event to the method whose job it is to interpret Address.

StAX 'pulls' XML events, leaving it up to you to determine where in your program / data to receive the XML events.

// method in standard StAX reader
int event = reader.next();
if(event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
// .. your logic here for start element

Of course, you would always want to receive a 'Building' event in in the method whose job it is to interpret Address.

The difference between SAX and StAX is that of push and pull. In both cases, the parse state must be handled somehow.

This translates to method B as typical for SAX, and method A for StAX. In addition, SAX must give B individual XML events, while StAX can give A multiple events (by passing an XMLStreamReader instance).

Thus B first check the previous state of the parsing and then handle each individual XML event and then store the state (in a field). Method A can just handle the XML events all at once by accessing the XMLStreamReader multiple times until satisfied.

StAX lets you structure your parsing (data-binding) code according to the XML structure; so in relation to SAX, the 'state' is implicit from the program flow for StAX, whereas in SAX, you always need to preserve some kind of state variable + route the flow according to that state, for most event calls.

I recommend StAX for all but the simplest documents. Rather move to SAX as an optimization later (but you'll probably want to go binary by then).

Follow this pattern when parsing using StAX:

public MyDataBindingObject parse(..) { // provide input stream, reader, etc

// set up parser
// read the root tag to get to level 1
XMLStreamReader reader = ....;

do {
int event = reader.next();
if(event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
// check if correct root tag

// add check for document end if you want to

} while(reader.hasNext());

MyDataBindingObject object = new MyDataBindingObject();
// read root attributes if any

int level = 1; // we are at level 1, since we have read the document header

do {
int event = reader.next();
if(event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
// do stateful stuff here

// for child logic:
if(reader.getLocalName().equals("Whatever1")) {
WhateverObject child = parseSubTreeForWhatever(reader);
level --; // read from level 1 to 0 in submethod.

// do something with the result of subtree

// alternatively, faster
if(level == 2) {
level --; // read from level 1 to 0 in submethod.

// do something with the result of subtree

} else if(event == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
// do stateful stuff here, too

} while(level > 0);

return object;

So the submethod uses about the same approach, i.e. counting level:

private MySubTreeObject parseSubTree(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException {

MySubTreeObject object = new MySubTreeObject();
// read element attributes if any

int level = 1;
do {
int event = reader.next();
if(event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {
// do stateful stuff here

// for child logic:
if(reader.getLocalName().equals("Whatever2")) {
MyWhateverObject child = parseMySubelementTree(reader);
level --; // read from level 1 to 0 in submethod.

// use subtree object somehow

// alternatively, faster, but less strict
if(level == 2) {
MyWhateverObject child = parseMySubelementTree(reader);
level --; // read from level 1 to 0 in submethod.

// use subtree object somehow

} else if(event == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
// do stateful stuff here, too

} while(level > 0);

return object;

And then eventually you reach a level in which you will read the base types.

private MySetterGetterObject parseSubTree(XMLStreamReader reader) throws XMLStreamException {

MySetterGetterObject myObject = new MySetterGetterObject();
// read element attributes if any

int level = 1;
do {
int event = reader.next();
if(event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT) {

// assume <FirstName>Thomas</FirstName>:
if(reader.getLocalName().equals("FirstName")) {
// read tag contents
String text = reader.getElementText()
if(text.length() > 0) {

} else if(reader.getLocalName().equals("LastName")) {
// etc ..

} else if(event == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT) {
// do stateful stuff here, too

} while(level > 0);

// verify that all required fields in myObject are present

return myObject;

This is quite straightforward and there is no room for misunderstandings. Just remember to decrement level correctly:

A. after you expected characters but got an END_ELEMENT in some tag which should contain chars (in the above pattern):


was instead


The same is true for a missing subtree too, you get the idea.

B. after calling subparsing methods, which are called on start elements, and returns AFTER the corresponding end element, i.e. the parser is at one level lower than before the method call (the above pattern).

Note how this approach totally ignores 'ignorable' whitespace too, for more robust implementation.

Go with Woodstox for most features or Aaalto-xml for speed.

@Rinke: I guess only time I think of preferring SAX over STAX in case when you don't need to handle/process XML content; for e.g. only thing you want to do is check for well-formedness of incoming XML and just want to handle errors if it has...in this case you can simply call parse() method on SAX parser and specify error handler to handle any parsing problem....so basically STAX is definitely preferrable choice in scenarios where you want to handle content becasue SAX content handler is too difficult to code...

one practical example of this case may be if you have series of SOAP nodes in your enterprise system and an entry level SOAP node only lets those SOAP XML pass thru next stage which are well-formedness, then I don't see any reason why I would use STAX. I would just use SAX.

It's all a balance.

You can turn a SAX parser into a pull parser using a blocking queue and some thread trickery so, to me, there is much less difference than there first seems.

I believe currently StAX needs to be packaged through a third-party jar while SAX comes free in javax.

I recently chose SAX and built a pull parser around it so I did not need to rely on a third-party jar.

Future versions of Java will almost certainly contain a StAX implementation so the problem goes away.

StAX enables you to create bidirectional XML parsers that are fast. It proves a better alternative to other methods, such as DOM and SAX, both in terms of performance and usability

You can read more about StAX in Java StAX Tutorials

Most of the information provided by those answers are somewhat outdated... there have been a comprehensive study of all XML parsing libs in this 2013 research paper... read it and you will easily see the clear winner (hint: there is only one true winner)...
