pip on Windows giving the error - Unknown or unsupported command 'install'

I installed pip on Windows by downloading http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pip/pip-1.0.2.tar.gz#md5=47ec6ff3f6d962696fe08d4c8264ad49 and running python setup.py install

Installation went fine with no errors.

But when I tried installing selenium package with it, it gives me the following error -

pip install -U selenium
Unknown option: u
Unknown or unsupported command 'install'

Where I'm making the mistake?

52416 次浏览

Do you happen to have the Perl pip lying around somewhere?

Sounds like the problem described here:


To check, in Windows command prompt execute:

C:\>where pip

This will potentially output the following:


If so, this is your problem. Unistall Strawberry Perl or use the full path to python pip.

Had the same problem under Ubuntu and did:

$ sudo apt-get remove pip
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip

Same issue with DwimPerl. Uninstalling Dwim fixed the issue as well.

In addition to the very helpful nswer of Johannes: If you don't want to uninstalll Strawberry, you can re-arrange the order of PATH entrys in your Windows system to ensure your Python\Scripts are found before the strawberry entries. If you don't want to do this manually, you can use tools like the "Rapid Environment Editor".

This error is because the system is finding pip.bat before it finds pip.exe.

You do NOT need to uninstall Strawberry Perl or type the whole path.

What I do is to simply type pip.exe (same number of keystrokes as apt-get) when I want to use the Python utility. This method seems to work find for me on Win7 with Python(x,y) 2.7x and Strawberry Perl installed.

You can also solve this problem without removing Strawberry Perl or type the whole path.Move to this C:\Python2.7\Scripts(your Python directory) directory,then use pip command.

You should provide path in environment variable for pip.exe file

while executing install command you should use below command

pip.exe install selenium

This will surely work, for me this worked :)

C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install -U selenium

I had this problem as well, and like Johannes said, it's because the perl pip is interfering with your Python pip.

To get around it, you can simply do this as well:

python -m pip install <package_name>

For Python 3.X and above:

In the CMD prompt type:

py -m pip install  <package_name>

Make sure pip is installed already. Setup the environment variable for pip pointing to the exe file

To upgrade:

py -m pip install --upgrade pip

I have the same problem in windows 10, finally resolved the problem successfully.

I used the following command where pip

I was showing multiple installations of pip. Once removed other installation it worked fine.

open cmd and type where pip and you will have


and go to C:\Dwimperl\perl and delete bin folder. and again type where pip and you will only have


and enjoy python pip.