unsigned int v; // input bits to be reversed
unsigned int r = v & 1; // r will be reversed bits of v; first get LSB of v
int s = sizeof(v) * CHAR_BIT - 1; // extra shift needed at end
for (v >>= 1; v; v >>= 1)
r <<= 1;
r |= v & 1;
r <<= s; // shift when v's highest bits are zero
unsigned char num = 0xaa; // 1010 1010 (aa) -> 0101 0101 (55)
int s = sizeof(num) * 8; // get number of bits
int i, x, y, p;
int var = 0; // make var data type to be equal or larger than num
for (i = 0; i < (s / 2); i++) {
// extract bit on the left, from MSB
p = s - i - 1;
x = num & (1 << p);
x = x >> p;
printf("x: %d\n", x);
// extract bit on the right, from LSB
y = num & (1 << i);
y = y >> i;
printf("y: %d\n", y);
var = var | (x << i); // apply x
var = var | (y << p); // apply y
printf("new: 0x%x\n", new);
Illustrated in the example below.
Ex : If Input is 00101010 ==> Expected output is 01010100
1. Divide the input into 2 halves
0010 --- 1010
2. Swap the 2 Halves
1010 0010
3. Repeat the same for each half.
10 -- 10 --- 00 -- 10
10 10 10 00
1-0 -- 1-0 --- 1-0 -- 0-0
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
Done! Output is 01010100
source -> byte to be reversed b00101100
Destination ->反转,也需要为unsigned类型,因此符号位不会向下传播
bytecopy = b0010110
LOOP8: //执行8次
测试bytecopy是否<0(负面)< / p >
set bit8 (msb) of reversed = reversed | b10000000
else do not set bit8
shift bytecopy left 1 place
bytecopy = bytecopy << 1 = b0101100 result
shift result right 1 place
reversed = reversed >> 1 = b00000000
8 times no then up^ LOOP8
8 times yes then done.
// Bitflip using AVX2 - The fastest Intel based bitflip in the world!!
// Made by Anders Cedronius 2014 (anders.cedronius (you know what) gmail.com)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <omp.h>
using namespace std;
#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 32
#define NUM_DATA_BYTES 400000000
// Constants (first we got the mask, then the high order nibble look up table and last we got the low order nibble lookup table)
__attribute__ ((aligned(32))) static unsigned char k1[32*3]={
// The data to be bitflipped (+32 to avoid the quantization out of memory problem)
__attribute__ ((aligned(32))) static unsigned char data[NUM_DATA_BYTES+32]={};
extern "C" {
void bitflipbyte(unsigned char[],unsigned int,unsigned char[]);
int main()
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < NUM_DATA_BYTES; i++)
data[i] = rand();
printf ("\r\nData in(start):\r\n");
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DISPLAY_WIDTH; i++)
printf ("0x%02x,",data[i+(j*DISPLAY_WIDTH)]);
printf ("\r\n");
printf ("\r\nNumber of 32-byte chunks to convert: %d\r\n",(unsigned int)ceil(NUM_DATA_BYTES/32.0));
double start_time = omp_get_wtime();
bitflipbyte(data,(unsigned int)ceil(NUM_DATA_BYTES/32.0),k1);
double end_time = omp_get_wtime();
printf ("\r\nData out:\r\n");
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DISPLAY_WIDTH; i++)
printf ("0x%02x,",data[i+(j*DISPLAY_WIDTH)]);
printf ("\r\n");
printf("\r\n\r\nTime to bitflip %d bytes: %f seconds\r\n\r\n",NUM_DATA_BYTES, end_time-start_time);
// return with no errors
return 0;
// Purpose: to reverse bits in an unsigned short integer
// Input: an unsigned short integer whose bits are to be reversed
// Output: an unsigned short integer with the reversed bits of the input one
unsigned short ReverseBits( unsigned short a )
// declare and initialize number of bits in the unsigned short integer
const char num_bits = sizeof(a) * CHAR_BIT;
// declare and initialize bitset representation of integer a
bitset<num_bits> bitset_a(a);
// declare and initialize bitset representation of integer b (0000000000000000)
bitset<num_bits> bitset_b(0);
// declare and initialize bitset representation of mask (0000000000000001)
bitset<num_bits> mask(1);
for ( char i = 0; i < num_bits; ++i )
bitset_b = (bitset_b << 1) | bitset_a & mask;
bitset_a >>= 1;
return (unsigned short) bitset_b.to_ulong();
void PrintBits( unsigned short a )
// declare and initialize bitset representation of a
bitset<sizeof(a) * CHAR_BIT> bitset(a);
// print out bits
cout << bitset << endl;
// Testing the functionality of the code
int main ()
unsigned short a = 17, b;
cout << "Original: ";
b = ReverseBits( a );
cout << "Reversed: ";
// Output:
Original: 0000000000010001
Reversed: 1000100000000000
/* Knuth's algorithm from http://www.hackersdelight.org/revisions.pdf. Retrieved 8/19/2015 */
inline uint32_t brev_knuth (uint32_t a)
uint32_t t;
a = (a << 15) | (a >> 17);
t = (a ^ (a >> 10)) & 0x003f801f;
a = (t + (t << 10)) ^ a;
t = (a ^ (a >> 4)) & 0x0e038421;
a = (t + (t << 4)) ^ a;
t = (a ^ (a >> 2)) & 0x22488842;
a = (t + (t << 2)) ^ a;
return a;
template<class T>
T reverse_bits(T in) {
T bit = static_cast<T>(1) << (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
T out;
for (out = 0; bit && in; bit >>= 1, in >>= 1) {
if (in & 1) {
out |= bit;
return out;
或者C语言中unsigned int
unsigned int reverse_bits(unsigned int in) {
unsigned int bit = 1u << (sizeof(T) * 8 - 1);
unsigned int out;
for (out = 0; bit && in; bit >>= 1, in >>= 1) {
if (in & 1)
out |= bit;
return out;
void ReverseNumber(char* number, int bit_count_in_number) {
int bytes_occupied = bit_count_in_number / sizeof(char);
// first reverse bytes
for (int i = 0; i <= (bytes_occupied / 2); i++) {
swap(long_number[i], long_number[n - i]);
// then reverse bits of each individual byte
for (int i = 0; i < bytes_occupied; i++) {
long_number[i] = ReverseBits(long_number[i]);
OUT = 0x00;
R = 1; // Right mask ...0000.0001
L = 0; // Left mask 1000.0000...
L = ~0;
L = ~(i >> 1);
int size = sizeof(IN) * 4; // bit size
if(IN & L) OUT = OUT | R; // start from MSB 1000.xxxx
if(IN & R) OUT = OUT | L; // start from LSB xxxx.0001
L = L >> 1;
R = R << 1;
return OUT;
const BIT_REVERSAL_TABLE = new Array(256)
for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
var v = i, r = i, s = 7;
for (v >>>= 1; v; v >>>= 1) {
r <<= 1;
r |= v & 1;
BIT_REVERSAL_TABLE[i] = (r << s) & 0xff;