用 MongoDB 进行单元测试

我选择的数据库是 MongoDB。我正在编写一个数据层 API 来从客户端应用程序中抽象实现细节——也就是说,我实际上提供了一个单一的公共接口(一个充当 IDL 的对象)。

我以 TDD 的方式测试我的逻辑。在每个单元测试之前,都会调用一个 @Before方法来创建一个数据库单例,然后,当测试完成时,会调用一个 @After方法来删除数据库。这有助于提高单元测试之间的独立性。

几乎所有的单元测试,例如 执行上下文查询,都需要某种插入逻辑来提前完成。我的公共接口提供了一个 insert 方法——然而,将这个方法用作每个单元测试的前导逻辑似乎是不正确的。

实际上,我需要一些模仿机制,但是,我还没有多少模仿框架的经验,而且 Google 似乎没有返回任何可以用于 MongoDB 的模仿框架。

在这种情况下,其他人会做什么? 也就是说,人们如何对与数据库交互的代码进行单元测试?


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Technically tests that talk to a database (nosql or otherwise) are not unit tests, as the tests are testing interactions with an external system, and not just testing an isolated unit of code. However tests that talk to a database are often extremely useful, and are often fast enough to run with the other unit tests.

Usually I have a Service interface (eg UserService) which encapsulates all the logic for dealing with the database. Code that relies on UserService can use a mocked version of UserService and is easily tested.

When testing the implementation of the Service that talks to Mongo, (eg MongoUserService) it is easiest to write some java code that will start/stop a mongo process on the local machine, and have your MongoUserService connect to that, see this question for some notes.

You could try to mock the functionality of the database while testing MongoUserService, but generally that is too error prone, and doesn't test what you really want to test, which is interaction with a real database. So when writing tests for MongoUserService, you set up a database state for each test. Look at DbUnit for an example of a framework for doing so with a database.

As sbridges wrote in this post it is a bad idea not to have a dedicated service (sometimes also known as repository or DAO) which abstracts the data access from the logic. Then you could test the logic by providing a mock of the DAO.

Another approach which I do is to create a Mock of the Mongo object (e.g. PowerMockito) and then return the appropriate results. This because you don't have to test if the database works in unit tests but more over you should test if the right query was sent to the databse.

Mongo mongo = PowerMockito.mock(Mongo.class);
DB db = PowerMockito.mock(DB.class);
DBCollection dbCollection = PowerMockito.mock(DBCollection.class);


MyService svc = new MyService(mongo); // Use some kind of dependency injection

PowerMockito.verify(dbCollection).findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", 1));

That would also be an option. Of course the creation of the mocks and returning of the appropriate objects is just coded as an example above.

I wrote a MongoDB fake implementation in Java: mongo-java-server

Default is a in-memory backend, that can be easily used in Unit and Integration tests.


MongoServer server = new MongoServer(new MemoryBackend());
// bind on a random local port
InetSocketAddress serverAddress = server.bind();

MongoClient client = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(serverAddress));

DBCollection coll = client.getDB("testdb").getCollection("testcoll");
// creates the database and collection in memory and inserts the object
coll.insert(new BasicDBObject("key", "value"));

assertEquals(1, collection.count());
assertEquals("value", collection.findOne().get("key"));


I'm surprised no one advised to use fakemongo so far. It emulates mongo client pretty well, and it all runs on same JVM with tests - so integration tests become robust, and technically much more close to true "unit tests", since no foreign system interaction takes place. It's like using embedded H2 to unit test your SQL code. I was very happy using fakemongo in unit tests that test database integration code in end-to-end manner. Consider this configuration in test spring context:

public class FongoConfig extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {
public String getDatabaseName() {
return "mongo-test";

public Mongo mongo() throws Exception {
log.info("Creating Fake Mongo instance");
return new Fongo("mongo-test").getMongo();

public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() throws Exception {
return new MongoTemplate(mongo(), getDatabaseName());


With this you can test your code that uses MongoTemplate from spring context, and in combination with nosql-unit, jsonunit, etc. you get robust unit tests that cover mongo querying code.

@UsingDataSet(locations = {"/TSDR1326-data/TSDR1326-subject.json"}, loadStrategy = LoadStrategyEnum.CLEAN_INSERT)
public void shouldCleanUploadSubjectCollection() throws Exception {
JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParametersBuilder()
.addString("studyId", "TSDR1326")
.addString("execId", UUID.randomUUID().toString())

//next line runs a Spring Batch ETL process loading data from SQL DB(H2) into Mongo
final JobExecution res = jobLauncherTestUtils.launchJob(jobParameters);

final String resultJson = mongoTemplate.find(new Query().with(new Sort(Sort.Direction.ASC, "topLevel.subjectId.value")),
DBObject.class, "subject").toString();

assertThatDateNode(resultJson, "[0].topLevel.timestamp.value").isEqualTo(res.getStartTime());

assertThatNode(resultJson, "[0].topLevel.subjectECode.value").isStringEqualTo("E01");
assertThatDateNode(resultJson, "[0].topLevel.subjectECode.timestamp").isEqualTo(res.getStartTime());

... etc

I used fakemongo without problems with mongo 3.4 driver, and community is really close to release a version that supports 3.6 driver (https://github.com/fakemongo/fongo/issues/316).

Today I think the best practice is to use testcontainers library (Java) or testcontainers-python port on Python. It allows to use Docker images with unit tests. To run container in Java code just instantiate GenericContainer object (example):

GenericContainer mongo = new GenericContainer("mongo:latest")

MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(mongo.getContainerIpAddress(), mongo.getMappedPort(27017));
MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("test");
MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("testCollection");

Document doc = new Document("name", "foo")
.append("value", 1);

Document doc2 = collection.find(new Document("name", "foo")).first();
assertEquals("A record can be inserted into and retrieved from MongoDB", 1, doc2.get("value"));

or on Python (example):

mongo = GenericContainer('mongo:latest')
mongo.with_bind_ports(27017, 27017)

with mongo_container:
def connect():
return MongoClient("mongodb://{}:{}".format(mongo.get_container_host_ip(),

db = wait_for(connect).primer
result = db.restaurants.insert_one(
# JSON as dict object

cursor = db.restaurants.find({"field": "value"})
for document in cursor: