在 matplotlib 中定义颜色图的中点

我想设置一个颜色图的中间点,也就是说,我的数据从 -5到10,我希望0是中间点。我认为这样做的方法是通过子类化规范和使用规范,但我没有找到任何例子,我不清楚,我到底要实现什么?

78215 次浏览

最简单的方法是只使用 vminvmax参数到 imshow(假设您使用的是图像数据) ,而不是子类化 matplotlib.colors.Normalize


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data = np.random.random((10,10))
# Make the data range from about -5 to 10
data = 10 / 0.75 * (data - 0.25)

plt.imshow(data, vmin=-10, vmax=10)


enter image description here

Not sure if you are still looking for an answer. For me, trying to subclass Normalize was unsuccessful. So I focused on manually creating a new data set, ticks and tick-labels to get the effect I think you are aiming for.

我在 matplotlib 中发现了 scale模块,它有一个类用于通过‘ syslog’规则转换线图,因此我使用它来转换数据。然后我缩放数据,使它从0到1(Normalize通常这样做) ,但是我缩放正数和负数的方式不同。这是因为您的 vmax 和 vmin 可能不相同,所以。5-> 1可能覆盖比。5-> 0更大的正值范围,而负值范围则覆盖更大的正值范围。对我来说,创建一个例程来计算刻度和标签值更容易。


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.mpl as mpl
import matplotlib.scale as scale

NDATA = 50

def makeTickLables(vmin,vmax,linthresh):
make two lists, one for the tick positions, and one for the labels
at those positions. The number and placement of positive labels is
different from the negative labels.
nvpos = int(np.log10(vmax))-int(np.log10(linthresh))
nvneg = int(np.log10(np.abs(vmin)))-int(np.log10(linthresh))+1
ticks = []
labels = []
lavmin = (np.log10(np.abs(vmin)))
lvmax = (np.log10(np.abs(vmax)))
llinthres = int(np.log10(linthresh))
# f(x) = mx+b
# f(llinthres) = .5
# f(lavmin) = 0
m = .5/float(llinthres-lavmin)
b = (.5-llinthres*m-lavmin*m)/2
for itick in range(nvneg):
# add vmin tick

# f(x) = mx+b
# f(llinthres) = .5
# f(lvmax) = 1
m = .5/float(lvmax-llinthres)
b = m*(lvmax-2*llinthres)
for itick in range(1,nvpos):
# add vmax tick

return ticks,labels

data = (VMAX-VMIN)*np.random.random((NDATA,NDATA))+VMIN

# define a scaler object that can transform to 'symlog'
scaler = scale.SymmetricalLogScale.SymmetricalLogTransform(10,LINTHRESH)
datas = scaler.transform(data)

# scale datas so that 0 is at .5
# so two seperate scales, one for positive and one for negative
data2 = np.where(np.greater(data,0),


cmap = mpl.cm.jet
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
im = ax.imshow(data2,cmap=cmap,vmin=0,vmax=1)
cbar = plt.colorbar(im,ticks=ticks)


vmax=10,vmin=-5 and linthresh=1e-4

请随意调整脚本顶部的“常量”(例如 VMAX) ,以确认其运行良好。

下面是 Normalize 的子类化解决方案

norm = MidPointNorm(midpoint=3)
imshow(X, norm=norm)


import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
from matplotlib import cbook
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize

class MidPointNorm(Normalize):
def __init__(self, midpoint=0, vmin=None, vmax=None, clip=False):
Normalize.__init__(self,vmin, vmax, clip)
self.midpoint = midpoint

def __call__(self, value, clip=None):
if clip is None:
clip = self.clip

result, is_scalar = self.process_value(value)

vmin, vmax, midpoint = self.vmin, self.vmax, self.midpoint

if not (vmin < midpoint < vmax):
raise ValueError("midpoint must be between maxvalue and minvalue.")
elif vmin == vmax:
result.fill(0) # Or should it be all masked? Or 0.5?
elif vmin > vmax:
raise ValueError("maxvalue must be bigger than minvalue")
vmin = float(vmin)
vmax = float(vmax)
if clip:
mask = ma.getmask(result)
result = ma.array(np.clip(result.filled(vmax), vmin, vmax),

# ma division is very slow; we can take a shortcut
resdat = result.data

#First scale to -1 to 1 range, than to from 0 to 1.
resdat -= midpoint
resdat[resdat>0] /= abs(vmax - midpoint)
resdat[resdat<0] /= abs(vmin - midpoint)

resdat /= 2.
resdat += 0.5
result = ma.array(resdat, mask=result.mask, copy=False)

if is_scalar:
result = result[0]
return result

def inverse(self, value):
if not self.scaled():
raise ValueError("Not invertible until scaled")
vmin, vmax, midpoint = self.vmin, self.vmax, self.midpoint

if cbook.iterable(value):
val = ma.asarray(value)
val = 2 * (val-0.5)
val[val>0]  *= abs(vmax - midpoint)
val[val<0] *= abs(vmin - midpoint)
val += midpoint
return val
val = 2 * (value - 0.5)
if val < 0:
return  val*abs(vmin-midpoint) + midpoint
return  val*abs(vmax-midpoint) + midpoint



import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import AxesGrid

def shiftedColorMap(cmap, start=0, midpoint=0.5, stop=1.0, name='shiftedcmap'):
Function to offset the "center" of a colormap. Useful for
data with a negative min and positive max and you want the
middle of the colormap's dynamic range to be at zero.

cmap : The matplotlib colormap to be altered
start : Offset from lowest point in the colormap's range.
Defaults to 0.0 (no lower offset). Should be between
0.0 and `midpoint`.
midpoint : The new center of the colormap. Defaults to
0.5 (no shift). Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. In
general, this should be  1 - vmax / (vmax + abs(vmin))
For example if your data range from -15.0 to +5.0 and
you want the center of the colormap at 0.0, `midpoint`
should be set to  1 - 5/(5 + 15)) or 0.75
stop : Offset from highest point in the colormap's range.
Defaults to 1.0 (no upper offset). Should be between
`midpoint` and 1.0.
cdict = {
'red': [],
'green': [],
'blue': [],
'alpha': []

# regular index to compute the colors
reg_index = np.linspace(start, stop, 257)

# shifted index to match the data
shift_index = np.hstack([
np.linspace(0.0, midpoint, 128, endpoint=False),
np.linspace(midpoint, 1.0, 129, endpoint=True)

for ri, si in zip(reg_index, shift_index):
r, g, b, a = cmap(ri)

cdict['red'].append((si, r, r))
cdict['green'].append((si, g, g))
cdict['blue'].append((si, b, b))
cdict['alpha'].append((si, a, a))

newcmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict)

return newcmap


biased_data = np.random.random_integers(low=-15, high=5, size=(37,37))

orig_cmap = matplotlib.cm.coolwarm
shifted_cmap = shiftedColorMap(orig_cmap, midpoint=0.75, name='shifted')
shrunk_cmap = shiftedColorMap(orig_cmap, start=0.15, midpoint=0.75, stop=0.85, name='shrunk')

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,6))
grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111, nrows_ncols=(2, 2), axes_pad=0.5,
label_mode="1", share_all=True,
cbar_location="right", cbar_mode="each",
cbar_size="7%", cbar_pad="2%")

# normal cmap
im0 = grid[0].imshow(biased_data, interpolation="none", cmap=orig_cmap)
grid[0].set_title('Default behavior (hard to see bias)', fontsize=8)

im1 = grid[1].imshow(biased_data, interpolation="none", cmap=orig_cmap, vmax=15, vmin=-15)
grid[1].set_title('Centered zero manually,\nbut lost upper end of dynamic range', fontsize=8)

im2 = grid[2].imshow(biased_data, interpolation="none", cmap=shifted_cmap)
grid[2].set_title('Recentered cmap with function', fontsize=8)

im3 = grid[3].imshow(biased_data, interpolation="none", cmap=shrunk_cmap)
grid[3].set_title('Recentered cmap with function\nand shrunk range', fontsize=8)

for ax in grid:


enter image description here

如果你不介意计算出 vmin,vmax 和0之间的比率,这是一个非常基本的从蓝色到白色再到红色的线性映射,它根据比率 z设置白色:

def colormap(z):
"""custom colourmap for map plots"""

cdict1 = {'red': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(z,   1.0, 1.0),
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),
'green': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
(z,   1.0, 1.0),
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)),
'blue': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
(z,   1.0, 1.0),
(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))

return LinearSegmentedColormap('BlueRed1', cdict1)

Cdict 格式相当简单: 行是渐变中创建的点: 第一个条目是 x 值(沿着渐变从0到1的比率) ,第二个条目是前一个段的结束值,第三个条目是下一个段的开始值——如果你想要平滑的渐变,后两个条目总是相同的。详情请查看 去看医生

我有一个类似的问题,但我希望最高的值是全红色,并切断低值的蓝色,使它看起来基本上像底部的颜色被切断。这对我很有效(包括可选的透明度) :

def shift_zero_bwr_colormap(z: float, transparent: bool = True):
"""shifted bwr colormap"""
if (z < 0) or (z > 1):
raise ValueError('z must be between 0 and 1')

cdict1 = {'red': ((0.0, max(-2*z+1, 0), max(-2*z+1, 0)),
(z,   1.0, 1.0),
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)),

'green': ((0.0, max(-2*z+1, 0), max(-2*z+1, 0)),
(z,   1.0, 1.0),
(1.0, max(2*z-1,0),  max(2*z-1,0))),

'blue': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
(z,   1.0, 1.0),
(1.0, max(2*z-1,0), max(2*z-1,0))),
if transparent:
cdict1['alpha'] = ((0.0, 1-max(-2*z+1, 0), 1-max(-2*z+1, 0)),
(z,   0.0, 0.0),
(1.0, 1-max(2*z-1,0),  1-max(2*z-1,0)))

return LinearSegmentedColormap('shifted_rwb', cdict1)

cmap =  shift_zero_bwr_colormap(.3)

x = np.arange(0, np.pi, 0.1)
y = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, 0.1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
Z = np.cos(X) * np.sin(Y) * 5 + 5
plt.plot([0, 10*np.pi], [0, 20*np.pi], color='c', lw=20, zorder=-3)
plt.imshow(Z, interpolation='nearest', origin='lower', cmap=cmap)

我使用的是 Paul H 的绝妙答案,但是遇到了一个问题,因为我的一些数据范围从负到正,而其他的范围从0到正或从负到0; 无论哪种情况,我都希望0被染成白色(我使用的颜色图的中点)。对于现有的实现,如果 midpoint值等于1或0,则原始映射没有被覆盖。你可以在下面的图片中看到: graphs before edit 第3列看起来是正确的,但是第2列中的深蓝色区域和其余列中的深红色区域都应该是白色的(它们的数据值实际上是0)。使用我的补丁给了我: graphs after edit 我的函数本质上与 Paul H 的函数相同,在 for循环的开始进行了编辑:

def shiftedColorMap(cmap, min_val, max_val, name):
'''Function to offset the "center" of a colormap. Useful for data with a negative min and positive max and you want the middle of the colormap's dynamic range to be at zero. Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7404116/defining-the-midpoint-of-a-colormap-in-matplotlib

cmap : The matplotlib colormap to be altered.
start : Offset from lowest point in the colormap's range.
Defaults to 0.0 (no lower ofset). Should be between
0.0 and `midpoint`.
midpoint : The new center of the colormap. Defaults to
0.5 (no shift). Should be between 0.0 and 1.0. In
general, this should be  1 - vmax/(vmax + abs(vmin))
For example if your data range from -15.0 to +5.0 and
you want the center of the colormap at 0.0, `midpoint`
should be set to  1 - 5/(5 + 15)) or 0.75
stop : Offset from highets point in the colormap's range.
Defaults to 1.0 (no upper ofset). Should be between
`midpoint` and 1.0.'''
epsilon = 0.001
start, stop = 0.0, 1.0
min_val, max_val = min(0.0, min_val), max(0.0, max_val) # Edit #2
midpoint = 1.0 - max_val/(max_val + abs(min_val))
cdict = {'red': [], 'green': [], 'blue': [], 'alpha': []}
# regular index to compute the colors
reg_index = np.linspace(start, stop, 257)
# shifted index to match the data
shift_index = np.hstack([np.linspace(0.0, midpoint, 128, endpoint=False), np.linspace(midpoint, 1.0, 129, endpoint=True)])
for ri, si in zip(reg_index, shift_index):
if abs(si - midpoint) < epsilon:
r, g, b, a = cmap(0.5) # 0.5 = original midpoint.
r, g, b, a = cmap(ri)
cdict['red'].append((si, r, r))
cdict['green'].append((si, g, g))
cdict['blue'].append((si, b, b))
cdict['alpha'].append((si, a, a))
newcmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict)
return newcmap

编辑: 当我的一些数据从一个小的正值到一个大的正值变化时,我又遇到了一个类似的问题,那就是非常低的值被涂成了红色而不是白色。我通过在上面的代码中添加 Edit #2行来修复它。

在这里,我创建了 Normalize的一个子类,接下来是一个最小的示例。

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

class MidpointNormalize(mpl.colors.Normalize):
def __init__(self, vmin, vmax, midpoint=0, clip=False):
self.midpoint = midpoint
mpl.colors.Normalize.__init__(self, vmin, vmax, clip)

def __call__(self, value, clip=None):
normalized_min = max(0, 1 / 2 * (1 - abs((self.midpoint - self.vmin) / (self.midpoint - self.vmax))))
normalized_max = min(1, 1 / 2 * (1 + abs((self.vmax - self.midpoint) / (self.midpoint - self.vmin))))
normalized_mid = 0.5
x, y = [self.vmin, self.midpoint, self.vmax], [normalized_min, normalized_mid, normalized_max]
return np.ma.masked_array(np.interp(value, x, y))

vals = np.array([[-5., 0], [5, 10]])
vmin = vals.min()
vmax = vals.max()

norm = MidpointNormalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, midpoint=0)
cmap = 'RdBu_r'

plt.imshow(vals, cmap=cmap, norm=norm)


The same example with only positive data vals = np.array([[1., 3], [6, 10]])



  • 中点得到中间的颜色。
  • Upper and lower ranges are rescaled by the same linear transformation.
  • 只有出现在图片上的颜色显示在颜色栏中。
  • Seems to work fine even if vmin is bigger than midpoint (did not test all the edge cases though).

这个解决方案的灵感来自与 这一页同名的类

请注意,在 matplotlib 3.2 + 版本中添加了 双斜率标准类,我认为它涵盖了您的用例。 它可以这样使用:

from matplotlib import colors
divnorm=colors.TwoSlopeNorm(vmin=-5., vcenter=0., vmax=10)
pcolormesh(your_data, cmap="coolwarm", norm=divnorm)

在 matplotlib 3.1中,这个类被称为 分歧常态