String s = "Hello World!"
return s instanceof String;
//result --> true
但是,对空引用变量/表达式应用 instanceof
返回 false。
String s = null;
return s instanceof String;
//result --> false
class Parent {
public Parent() {}
class Child extends Parent {
public Child() {
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Child child = new Child();
System.out.println( child instanceof Parent );
//result --> true
instanceof关键字是一个 二进制运算符,用于测试 对象(实例)是否是给定 Type 的子类型。
interface Domestic {}
class Animal {}
class Dog extends Animal implements Domestic {}
class Cat extends Animal implements Domestic {}
想象一下用 Object dog = new Dog()创建的 dog对象,然后:
dog instanceof Domestic // true - Dog implements Domestic
dog instanceof Animal // true - Dog extends Animal
dog instanceof Dog // true - Dog is Dog
dog instanceof Object // true - Object is the parent type of all objects
Object someobject = ... some code which gets something that might be a button ...
if (someobject instanceof Button) {
// then if someobject is in fact a button this block gets executed
} else {
// otherwise execute this block
public class Test {
public static void main(String [] args) {
Object t = new Test();
// compiles fine since Object is a parent class to String
System.out.println(t instanceof String);
package test;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class instanceoftest
public static void main(String args[])
Map m=new HashMap();
System.out.println("Returns a boolean value "+(m instanceof Map));
System.out.println("Returns a boolean value "+(m instanceof HashMap));
System.out.println("Returns a boolean value "+(m instanceof Object));
System.out.println("Returns a boolean value "+(m instanceof Date));
Returns a boolean value true
Returns a boolean value true
Returns a boolean value true
Returns a boolean value false
public class Animal{ float age; }
public class Lion extends Animal { int claws;}
public class Jungle {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Animal animal = new Animal();
Animal animal2 = new Lion();
Lion lion = new Lion();
Animal animal3 = new Animal();
Lion lion2 = new Animal(); //won't compile (can't reference super class object with sub class reference variable)
if(animal instanceof Lion) //false
if(animal2 instanceof Lion) //true
if(lion insanceof Lion) //true
if(animal3 instanceof Animal) //true
String s = new String("Hello");
if (s instanceof String) System.out.println("s is instance of String"); // True
if (s instanceof Object) System.out.println("s is instance of Object"); // True
//if (s instanceof StringBuffer) System.out.println("s is instance of StringBuffer"); // Compile error
Object o = (Object)s;
if (o instanceof StringBuffer) System.out.println("o is instance of StringBuffer"); //No error, returns False
else System.out.println("Not an instance of StringBuffer"); //
if (o instanceof String) System.out.println("o is instance of String"); //True
s is instance of String
s is instance of Object
Not an instance of StringBuffer
o is instance of String
String s = new String("Hello");
if ((Object)s instanceof StringBuffer) System.out.println("Instance of StringBuffer"); //No compiler error now :)
else System.out.println("Not an instance of StringBuffer");